Chapter 32

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Word count: 4162


What the hell was happening to us? was the question I asked daily.

Thomas and I were a wreck. We were unable to stabilize our relationship, having it driving in a blissful direction.

Instead, we resembled a speeding car, heading towards a horrific destination, being impotent on halting the ride. We were only driving straight forward, not taking a break for even a minute.

It was exhausting, the whole journey.

And I genuinely believed it would have an abominable ending. Definitely not a happy one.

Not that I did not dream of us living happily ever after. In fact, it was my colossal illusion, for me and him to be the bright reality with a happy ending.

Perchance I was the one to blame overall. The one who continuously wrecked our relationship inch by inch on a daily basis.

I was invariably the one who started the arguments, issues. It was me, no matter what and I was aware of it. There was no one else to blame.

I should not have said what I did.

And besides, there was an excruciating ache in my heart that yearned for him, something that could only be fulfilled by him. No one else.

I screamed into the pillow, releasing the hidden emotions. It was exhausting, waiting this way, not understanding what was happening between us.

In spite of this, I lifted my head as I heard voices speaking downstairs. They sounded hushed, as if they were not meant for my ears.

Of course, being the teenager I was, who wanted to learn every possible secret, sneaked over there until every word was clear. Nevertheless, I was tired of secrets since this was what my life had turned into. An enormous secret. Everyone was hiding something. Not a single soul being left out.

A frown appeared as I heard my parents speaking. "Fiona, I have strong doubts about what we are doing. I mean we are talking about our own daughter here."


Now I was all the more intrigued, since I was involved in the conversation.

"This is just for her protection."

My father scoffed, as if he found the statement humorous. "I don't believe that anymore. This is only causing her harm, nothing else. It is doing no good. She is not happy."

"We are doing this for her happiness!" she snapped. "I understand it may not seem this way at the moment, but in the end she will thank us, be joyous of everything we have done. It does not matter that she is not delighted right now. All that matters is that she will be in a few years. Give it time."

"This is hurting her. There must be another way."

"I am not allowing my daughter's life to be ruined by some stubborn boy. Deidre will be thanking me later, that I saved her from this huge mistake."

I peeked from behind the wall, watching as my father folded his arms. "These are not the measurements to take. We are the ones ruining her life right now, not him."

My mother scrunched her nose in disgust. "Oh, don't tell me you are becoming soft towards the boy. He is the exact reason why we have been shielding her from all of this for years. You know he is just a spoiled brat, just like his father said."

"Well, maybe I don't trust Bruce. Someone doing all of this to their own kid is bound to not be a good person. I don't trust him. I have not since we went to him."

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