A Run

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Random POV

There was only so much cover until I would end up in the open and vulnerable, as I ran I heard the thumping sounds of the person chasing me they were close. I couldn't risk getting caught, I hate being chased down because all of my instincts kick in minutes after I have understood what's going on and by the time I get a good idea I'm out of time. I looked back at my partner he wasn't doing so well he was running out of breathe we both knew it.

"Shoot the tree down it will stall it!"

My partner only nodded and shot more than one tree causing them to fall making a barricade. We ran off farther and stopped at a cave, from the cave we could see the barricade of trees. My partner collapsed to the ground out of breathe I hushed him as I heard a crashing sound. He quickly sat up and watched the barricade, my partner crawled back into the cave wanting to be hidden after seeing the thing chasing us break through the trees. His foot hit a rock causing the sound to echo, I watched the beast pass us and I sighed with relief and then scowled at my partner.

"You need to stupid and nut up"
"I know but.."
"No excuses"

I felt bad for him he was young and didn't know what to do, it was a practice run for him but it ended up becoming real. I've given him to much slack, now I had to crack down on him and shorten the leash.

He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted as the beast jumped into the cave landing on my partner and cracking his head in it jaws. My now lifeless partner had a pained look of his face, I backed away and turned to run as the monster looked at me. It then started to chase me, it was relentless it appeared beside me and tried to bite me but I smacked my hand on its snout causing it to trip and tumble backwards. My body started to ache as I pushed myself hard to run so I wouldn't end up like my partner.

My small skinny body let me slip under trees and logs to get away from the beast. Just as I saw the clearing a hundred feet away in my view I smiled as I was going to make it. I got closer and closer ignoring my pain and aching body, then a roar of anger erupted from behind me. My one mistake was looking behind me, I turned and looked to see the larger creature launch itself into the air and land on me pinning me to the ground. I felt it breathe down my neck causing me to shudder, it's snout was next to my head it opened it mouth going to enjoy its rewarded meal.

I felt a nip on my side and couldn't help but laugh, I tried to get it to stop but it continued I was laughing so hard I was crying.

"Bumblebee!!!!! Quit!!! It tickles!!"
"What was that? I couldn't here it over all of your laughing"
"You aft!!! Stop!!! It hurts!!"

Bumblebee let go of my side and backed up giving me room to breathe, I quickly settled my breathes and stood up to turn and see the simulation fade away.

"Next time give me a better A.I the rookie was awful, that one should be used for starters and your not on the field"
"Noted, but I enjoy getting to scare the rookies"
"Yea well if you scare them all Bee none of them are going to want to be here"
"No that will just teach them not to mess with me and learn to get their afts in gear"

Bumblebee and I walked to the exit door and left the room heading into another room where a bunch of rookie bots where. Bumblebee's whole face and act changed once we entered the room. He looked like Ratchet when he was serious but it always made the rookies pay attention. But no doubt Bees prime killer form was always scary even after Alduin wasn't with Bee.

"Rule number one rookies, never ever look back when running from an enemy it's the quickest and best way to get killed"

All the young femmes and mechs nodded their helms

"And pay attention to your surrounding it will be your ally"

"Class is over head home and study for you simulation test tomorrow"

All the bots left in a hurry as if Bee was going to launch at then, I wouldn't be surprised if he did they do act up. Bee and I followed after out the door walk-in down the look halls. It has been a rough 3 years but we still manage to pull through I'm worried about Bee a lot sometimes because a lot had happened to him 3 years ago.

As we walked into a larger room of the academy we noticed a white and blue femme speaking with a purple and pink femme. Bee stayed by my side and never left as we got closer I noticed who the pink and purple femme was. It was solar she was Smokescreens sparkmate and helped at he academy along with Smokescreen. Almost everyone from team prime had their own classes or helped out at the academy. Solar noticed Bee and I and walked over to use greeting us.

"Afternoon Arcee and Bumblebee"
"Afternoon Solar, what seems to be the problem?"
"Nothing, just Strongarm and Sideswipe got into another argument"
"Where is Sideswipe?"
"Smokescreen took him that way"

"I'll take Sideswipe, Arcee can you take care of Strongarm?"

I watched Bee slink off still as the prime killer, he looked exhausted and tired of dealing with these two fighting. I called Strongarm over to me and she came over looking at her pedes.

"Who started it?"
"Sideswipe! He always starts it"
"What did he do?"
"He stuck his digit in my audio receptor"

I started to say something but then was cut off my the sound of scraping metal. I looked behind Strongarm to see Bee dragging Sideswipe by his neck cables back towards the simulation room. I stood there for a second until I heard Bee talk to me through our sparkbond.

-Bring Strongarm into the simulation room as well, I'm tired of this so I'm going to put an end to it-
- you know it probably won't work-
-yes I know, I just want to bash their helms in-
-I know you do I can feel it everyday but it's not allowed-
-I need to talk with Optimus to see if he can talk to the council about making a law that says 'who ever pisses me off quicker get their helms bashed in'-
-I don't think that would work-
-oh hush let me have my moments-
-you keep dreaming sweetie-

Once Bee finished talk I had Strongarm follow me to the simulation room. Once in there Bee and Sideswipe was no where to be seen, I then heard Bee he was behind us. I then knew what was going to happen so I stayed quiet. Bee knocked Strongarm out and pulled her out the door into the large white room and left her next to Sideswipe and came back into the room with me. I then turned on the simulation as he looked out the window.

After a few minutes Bee transformed into his bot form and walked out.

"Bee where are you going?"
"Home, you coming with me?"
"But what about hose two?"
"It will run over night, this will be good study for their test tomorrow"
"Hope you don't get caught"
"I can't, it's my academy I'm allow to run what ever I want and keep however many students after hours I would like"

And that's one thing I love about Bee so much he only fears a few the rest fear him.

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