Am I Going Mad?!!

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2 days after Bumblebee passing

The lab was empty with Bee still lying on the medical berth Ratchet hadn't moved him because it was so sudden and it wouldn't be right to get rid of him with out Optimus knowing or coming back to Cybertron to say good bye to his old friend. Ratchet had Arcee,Nightingale and Grimlock stay with him on Cybertron none of them had been in the lab since the flat lining. Eventually Arcee had to go back to the station to return to work and tell the others of Bee's passing Nightingale had to go back to Earth but couldn't bring herself to leave her uncle yet so Grimlock stayed with her.

Ratchet pushed Nightingale and Grim to go do something besides sit around so he could finally get some peace and process Bee's death. He heard a knock at his door and opened it to find Optimus, Ratchet was shocked he was here after Elita and him had been gone so long. Ratchet knew why Optimus was here and welcomed them in and told Optimus what was happening moments before Bee's passing. Ratchet stopped when he heard a large thump from inside the lab Optimus noticed it to and stopped what he was doing and lsitened. The sound came again followed by a loud crashing sound, Ratchet stood up and left the room and walked to the door of the lab Optimus stood behind waiting to see what was causing the sound behind the door. Ratchet opened the door and saw all of his stuff on the floor, he looked for the cause of the mess but saw nothing and walked father into the room Optimus following. Optimus was thrown to the ground by a large force Ratchet looked back to see Bumblebee: jaws open with a purple substance dripping from them. Ratchet looked back at the medical berth and saw that the body was missing he was happy for a moment when he saw Optimus get his arm caught in Bee's jaws as he tried attacking the Prime. Optimus tried to get Bee to let go but it wasn't working he then hit his nose causing Bee to let go and fall back Ratchet quickly helped Optimus stand up so he wouldn't get attacked again. 

When they both say the optics of Bee they say a Blood red color with purple lining the outside. They looked at each other when they realized this wasn't Bumblebee or he wasn't in control, Bee stood on the other side of the lab still dripping the purple substance from his jaws. He stood ready to attack again Ratchet slowly picked up an item off the ground and motioned for Optimus to slowly back up to the door. Bee stepped forward and Ratchet saw the new scar down his snout as the light illuminated the energon that was running down his face. Ratchet threw the Wrench and turned to run to the door with Optimus, the wrench hit Bee and stopped him for a few seconds before he charged at the two mechs. Once out the door they closed the door as quick as they could, hearing a loud smack on the other end followed by a growl they realized he hit the door full forced but knew he wasn't getting out of the room. Ratchet safe bolted it so Bee couldn't get out and sat down trying to piece together how Bee was alive and if he really did flat line or if it was just his imagination playing cruel tricks on him. 

"Ratchet, I thought you said Bumblebee passed two days ago.."

"He did!! I was there when he flat lined! How is he alive?!"

"I'm just as confused as you are."

"One think is for sure, that's not Bumblebee"

"What are we going to do?"

"I can't let Arcee or Nightingale back here if they find out he's alive they will try and go down there and either let him out a get offlined and neither of those can happen. I need to sedate him so I can find and fix this problem so he doesn't end up killing on of us!"

"perhaps I can be of some help?"

"Perhaps but I have to figure out how I can sedate him first before we go back in there...."

As silence fell over the room both heard another loud crash followed but a thud.

"whatever we do Ratchet we need to do it quick before he breaks that door down."

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