👨‍🦰part 5- the redhead alliance👩‍🦰

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We've been playing minecraft for about 20 minutes now, and I had just found lasercorn's village.

"Lasercorn, can I just stay here until I find my own place? It's getting dark and I dont have anything."

"Ughhhhh.... fine!" Lasercorn growled, "but dont take my stuff!"

"Why would i?" I asked, flashing a confused look towards the camera that was settled on top of my monitor.

"You obviously haven't watched this show before" I overheard joven mutter.

"No, I actually havent," I answer.  Within a minute of that, I was shot and killed by a skeleton. Frustrated, I screamed and hit the respawning button, finding myself in a very unfamiliar area.

"Damn it!" I yelled, inciting laughter from the group.

"Where are you?" Wes asked through laughter. I pulled up my coordinates and sighed.

"Negative 100, positive 500"

"I think damien's the closest one"

"Damien, can I come chill with you?"

"Sure, my coordinates are negative 1000, negative 1000"

I stopped for a second before yelling "THATS NOT CLOSE!!!"

"Well it's closer than anyone else!" He contested.

"Stop fighting like a married couple" joven interjected, and my cheeks started to heat up. I sighed in defeat.

"Do you have a bed?" I asked, "I lost all my wool."

"I can make you One." He replied.

As Damien was getting a bed made, I scrambled to get wood and make a boat. once it was crafted, I jumped on and, quite literally, rode into the sunset on my way to Damien's village.


Between dodging monsters and losing my way multiple times, I finally found damien's place and dock on the edge of the land
"I MADE IT!!!" I called excitedly, running towards the village as fast as my little minecraft legs could go.

"Hey!!!" Damien called happily as I came into view on his screen. He showed me to the house and just before dawn, we slept in a bed so I could save my spawn point. Mari ended the show and we all saved and shut down our computers. It was finally lunch time.

"I'm starving,man" boze said as we all stood up.

"Same here" I agreed...

And so, boze and I set off on the grand adventure of figuring out what the hell we want to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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