lonely ; masuda toshiki (part one)

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Lonely, is the best way to describe her way of living. Although she tries to cover it off, when hanging out with people. Lately, it's really been getting to her, especially now that she's well aware about how other people perceive her at university. As much as she told heraelf that it was fine to be alone and to trust no one, it's kind of hard when you're your own companion in your school or your workplace. Since, socializing is a part of your activities from time to time.

[Y/N] wasn't usually like this to begin with. She's honestly okay with socializing, talking with people who have the same interest, and great with making friends. One thing she was very known for was being blunt and honest. If she didn't like something, it's quick to show from her aura through sarcasm or openly telling people.

While people were good with it in highschool, it wasn't exactly the same case now that she's in college. Her honesty and bluntness became a way for people to call hear mean or a way for people to stab her back with words. It also was a way for people to break her image, when in fact, she's an already open book about it.

She was fine with it, but it started to tick her off when people don't answer the usual questions she had for simple things. In her mind, people just became petty once they knew about her personality.

It was another day at her university and with people hating her on her back, added up with the amount of things to do, [Y/N] couldn't help but cry. Instead of hanging out with some classmates that have adopted her, she went to the most hidden bathroom to silently let all her emotions out.

"I needed this," she thought. It feels a bit refreshing to let it all out, but even at a lonely state, she felt relieved. What made her happier was her best friend, and senpai in highschool, texting her again, asking if she could meet up with him tonight. Luckily for [Y/N], she could since she would be staying in school up to 7:30pm for her last class. So she told him that she would go meet up with him, ad surprisingly, he was willing to hangout with her in a cafe near her university.

7:30pm strikes, and the professor has dismissed the class. [Y/N] was totally excited to get out of this hell hole. While her so-called "friends," asked her why she was excited to get out of class, she only told them that she was rushing to get to public transportation in the earliest she could. Which made them believe her since she lives a bit far from where she studies. With that, she finally leaves the school gates to go to the cafe where she and her best friend would meet up. But before she could even walk a meter away from her university, someone called for her attention.

"[Y/N]-chan! There you are!"

Upon hearing this, you giggled. 'Ah! He's using the Sekimura Mikado voice," she thought. She looked at the direction of the call and smiled. "Massu-chan!" He then goes to meet with her and laughs with her. He gives her a tight hug before finally deciding to walk towards the cafe. Of course, conversations started to flow between the two even before they reached the cafe.

"You're staying in school up to 7:30pm? How so?" he asked [Y/N].

Being herself, she asked back, "You don't have a recording tonight? How so?"

"Still witty, I see," Toshiki said. Then both of them laughed.

Before continuing, yes, Masuda Toshiki, the famous stage actor and seiyuu, is [Y/N]'s best friend... and little crush. Of course, it's the only thing [Y/N] couldn't be honest with. Which is why she's always so happy with small hangouts like this, not only does she get to be herself, she gets to have the time with a person she likes.

"It is you, after all! The mighty Damassu! As a supporter, I know how busy you could get. So it really is surprising to be here with you now."

"I wanted to rest. So I told my manager to free a day or two this week. Also, surprisingly, I have nothing very important in my schedule today. "

"I'm kinda glad. It's been a while since we last hung out with each other." As soon as [Y/N] finished talking, they got into the cafe, ordered their drinks and got a spot for the two of them.

"How about you, [Y/N]? How are you?"

I'm fine, she wanted to say. But looking back with how the past week went she really felt lonely and empty. She is sad.

Because she has established her emotions, ashe giggled and looked down. She knew her emotions were easy to read. So she set her gaze away from her best friend. "I'm fine," [Y/N] finally uttered. "But let's talk about you! You're becoming big in the industry!" She then looks at her best friend who was looking at her with concern. He got me, she thought. Toshiki sighed and gave her a sad smile. As if telling her that he won't keep her emotions unnoticed after some small talk. She was defeated by her friend's silent persistence.

"Yeah, thankfully, I have a lot of things going on and I'm really happy!" he told her, while still studying the way [Y/N] reacts to things.

"I always play the otome games you're in," she says proudly but with hesitation. "For some reason it's the only thing that keeps me happy these days."

Both of their gazes were distracted by the waiter who was serving [Y/N] and Toshiki's orders. It was then she decided to position her elbow on the table with her hand catching her chin. She pulled her drink closer to her and sipped on it as if she were hiding from her best friend.

She felt it, the intense gaze that her friend was giving her. It made her feel like she wanted him to open the lid of a bottle of soda emotions that was about to burst, and he did as soon as he started speaking,

"[Y/N], how are you? Really?"

[a/n: i'm posting this by parts because this oneshot is kinda similar to a situation i'm in. except i don't exactly have a masuda toshiki to talk to (hOW I WISH HAHAHAA–//slappedt). but yeah. i'm on a down moment, and i feel like i could breathe a little by writing my emotions through this fanfic. so hope you all enjoy my,,, life breakdown hey hEY! 🤙🏼 but yes!!! i'll try to post part two asap/when i get the time.

thanks for reading!!]

p.s. edit a photo of damassu in bc huhu we need dem boyfriend feels 😔✊🏼💓

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