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Oakland, California

A Week Later

"Welcome home Orlando Carter

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"Welcome home Orlando Carter.", Kidada yelled throughout the house as Kennedy rolled her eyes as EJ huffed. Kennedy had no problem with the fact she now had a little brother because that meant she remained the only girl for her mother

When it came to EJ he had a major problem with Orlando, at first EJ was ok about the ideal of Orlando but now that the new baby was here he hated it with a passion

"Kennedy Asghedom and Erimas Asghedom Junior come pick up y'all toys.", Dana said as Kennedy got up with a groaned. "We finna come into the room.", Kennedy said as Kidada grabbed Orlando from Dana as she peppered kisses on him

"He's so cute, looks nothing like his ugly ass daddy.", Kidada said which made Selena laugh as she rubbed Orlando head full of hair. "Damn give the nigga his space I swear.", Tupac joked as Kidada glared at him

"Yo lil E you happy you a big brother.", Nasir asked EJ and EJ gave him a blank stare. "No, I don't like him.", EJ said bluntly as Nasir chuckled while looking at Dana

Dana shrugged thinking EJ only felt someway cause he was know longer the baby anymore. "He'll get over it and come around to Orlando soon.", Dana said as she waved it off

Dana sat on the couch beside Kennedy as EJ got into her lap while everyone else was still an awe of Orlando. "Hey Lando.", Selena said tickling Orlando under his cheek as he giggled playfully

Kennedy got up off the couch and went beside Selena admiring her little brother. "Mama how come he doesn't have the same last name as me and EJ.", Kennedy asked while never taking her eyes off Orlando

Dana got up and stood behind Kennedy while playing in her hair. "Because you and EJ have the same father not Orlando, his father is your step brother father.", Dana said not hiding anything to Kennedy

"So EJand I have Kross on daddy side and we have Orlando on your side.", Kennedy said as Dana smacked her lips cause the situation was confusing as fuck. "Yes.", Dana said as Kennedy nodded

"So the way they say Kameron Carter they gone say Orlando Carter.", Kennedy asked as Kidada huffed while looking at Kennedy. "Kenny you asking to many questions.", Kidada said as Kennedy glared at her

Meanwhile with Lauren she was on the phone with a lawyer. She wasn't giving up no time soon and found herself stressing and hitting a no low that could really affect everyone lives

"Yeah Ms. Smith she just had a baby boy, he's my oldest son brother and my husband kids and my younger son brother too. I'm worried about the safety of her oldest kids, their father is my husband.", Lauren stated on the phone

"And why is that Ms. London.", Ms. Smith asked as Lauren chuckled. "It's Mrs. Asghedom, she's a unfit mother. She does drugs on a daily basis and has a tendency to go back and forth with liquor I want to get my step kids out of that environment and adopt them myself.", Lauren smirked

"All three.", Ms. Smith asked as Lauren bit her lip with a smile. "No just the older too, the newborn lives with her friend.", Lauren said as Ms. Smith rubbed her temple through the phone

"The children names are that you wanna adopt.", Ms. Smith asked as Lauren sighed comfortably through the phone. "Kennedy Asghedom and Erimas Asghedom Junior.", Lauren said as she heard a pen click

"I will be turning this in into child protective services thank you Mrs. Asghedom for your concern and willingness to step up.", Ms. Smith said while ending the call

By that point Lauren heard the doorbell ring and immediately ran to get it. With no thought crossing her mind she open the door and it revealed Wayne himself in the flesh

"What the hell are you doing here.", Lauren said in disgust as he shoved himself through her. Wayne examined the place and nodded. "Where's Kam.", Wayne asked as Lauren shut the door

"With Nip, Kross and Emani. I gotta talk to you.", Lauren said hoping Wayne was down with her little plan. "About what, I ain't raping nobody anymore.", Wayne said while shaking his head

"No fool, I didn't even tell you to do that anyway. But look I called my lawyer and she's going to get involved with child protective services and try and get me Kennedy and EJ I was hoping you'll file a request to take Orlando.", Lauren said as Wayne looked at her

"What's in it for me.", Wayne asked as Lauren rolled her eyes. "She'll be falling to your knees for Orlando just like she'll do me for Kennedy and EJ. She doesn't want you near Orlando and I know you've always wanted a son to be attach to you since I definitely wasn't gone let Kam be the one for it.", Lauren said as Wayne nodded

"I'm hitting up lawyer tomorrow and I'll definitely try to get my name added on his birth certificate.", Wayne said as Lauren chuckled while lifting an eyebrow

"It'll be a happy for everyone.", Lauren said as Wayne only thought was getting his son. Deep down he didn't want too Take Orlando from Dana but it was the only way to be in his life


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