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Crenshaw, California

3 Weeks Later

Erimas walked hand in hand with Kennedy and EJ as he was secretly taking them to see Dana

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Erimas walked hand in hand with Kennedy and EJ as he was secretly taking them to see Dana. Dana wasn't expecting to see her children and they weren't expecting to see her, it was basically a surprise that Erimas knew would mean a lot

"Daddy you didn't say we were going to McDonald's.", Kennedy said as Erimas chuckled as EJ held tight to his small Spider-Man action figure while looking. "I know but that's a good thing.", Erimas said as Kennedy looked at him confusingly

EJ groaned due to him being tired of walked but once they got inside the build and Erimas scan the room. He walked over to a table to a woman on her phone so Kennedy and EJ can get a closer look

Once Kennedy and EJ got a look of the woman they both literally squealed. "Mommy!", Both said unison making Dana turn around as she hugged her two children. Erimas smiled caused Dana wasn't expecting to see them as they weren't expecting to see her

"My babies, you guys gotten so big.", Dana said taking in her children presence as she held them tightly. "Mommy I miss you.", EJ said as Dana smile as Kennedy wasn't letting go of Dana as EJ had pulled back from the hug

"I miss you both of you.", Dana said while smiling looking at her children. It was clear to Dana that EJ was Erimas twin all the way completely which made Dana chuckle as Kennedy was a mixture of the two

 It was clear to Dana that EJ was Erimas twin all the way completely which made Dana chuckle as Kennedy was a mixture of the two

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(Kennedy Asghedom)

(Kennedy Asghedom)

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"Mama I wanna come home, I miss you.", Kennedy said as Erimas felt bad watching his children interact with their mother. "I'm working on it and you'll be home soon, how is it over there.", Dana said as Kennedy looked at EJ

"It's cool.", EJ said but of course he would say that he was young and didn't necessarily understand everything like Kennedy. "It's ok I love daddy but I don't like Lauren she's annoying.", Kennedy shrugged as Erimas cleared his voice

"Aye y'all lemme go talk to y'all mama here go get some food.", Erimas said handing Kennedy the money as she took EJ hand and stood in line as Erimas walked up to Dana. "What's cracking.", Erimas said as Dana looked at him with so much disgust

"You make me sick you and yo bitch.", Dana snapped and Erimas winced at her words. The look in Dana eyes read it all she purely wanted nothing to do with him even if she knew it wasn't Erimas fault, Lauren was his woman and he knew something was up

 The look in Dana eyes read it all she purely wanted nothing to do with him even if she knew it wasn't Erimas fault, Lauren was his woman and he knew something was up

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"Dana I'm working on it, but I can't leave Lauren yet anyway not like this.", Erimas said as Dana rolled her eyes she felt he wasn't getting it. "I don't care what is going on between you and her I want my kids back fuck y'all.", Dana snapped

"She's pregnant Dana and I ain't trying to imply stress on her.", Erimas said as Dana scoffed at that answer. "I don't give a fuck if she's pregnant or not y'all didn't give a fuck when I was pregnant with Orlando.", Dana said

"I'm sorry Dana for everything.", Erimas said as Dana laughed at that. "Your not sorry you just feel sorry for me it's a difference.", Dana said as she walked past Erimas and back to Kennedy and EJ

"Mommy, please can I come with you please.", Kennedy begged as she held onto Dana hand and EJ held onto her leg. Erimas walked towards them hearing Kennedy pleas and he understood her from her point. "Yeah y'all going with her.", Erimas said as the children eyes lit up

Dana mouthed thank you even after snapping on him he was giving her an opportunity to see them again. Meanwhile with Kidada she was over being pregnant she was over eating and it made her feel sick

Kidada walked to Dairy Queen feelings 900 pounds and beyond. "Kidada?, yo Kidada.", Kidada heard somebody calling her name and she turned around and she was shocked of the person she saw

", Kidada heard somebody calling her name and she turned around and she was shocked of the person she saw

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None other than Wayne Carter himself, or Dana worst nightmare. "What you need Wayne, I'm busy.", Kidada said as Wayne chuckled as he saw Kidada stomach

"I see Pac finally knocked you up.", Wayne smiled as Kidada scoffed and snapped her fingers in his face to gain his attention. "Don't worry about that, why the fuck you felt the need to talk to me after you and your hoe then dogged my girl out.", Kidada spat harshly

"If I didn't would me and her be in this relationship, everything I'm doing is for Dana and Orlando.", Wayne said as Kidada shook her head. "She needs to be happy, and dealing with low dog ass niggas like you isn't helping. Let her be free and if I wasn't pregnant I would've beat the fuck outta you Dewayne,", Kidada said while mean mugging Wayne as she shoved past him


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