Elizabeth is the daughter of a high-ranking Templar in a powerful group called the Templar Order.
Marcus, A.K.A. Lancelot, is a member of the original family of the Assassin Brotherhood.
What will they do when they live in the same country, yet in t...
Before you start reading, this is a long chapter, so I hope you enjoy, my lovely readers!! My partner (anonymously helping) is busier with school and work than I am, so I told him that I will do this chapter instead of him doing Lancelot's POV. Again, I hope you enjoy!!❤️ - CoralMars
I squeal to myself as I roll of the hotel bed, putting my outfit together in my head and talking to myself. "Okay, it needs to be practical while insanely cute because man is Lancelot hot!! Gotta impress the dude on the first date- if it's even a date."
I start rambling as I rifle through my large suitcase- one of the Templar perks is stupidly lavish items such as bags. I stick my tongue out; a habit of mine when I'm concentrating.
"AHA!!" I pull out my outfit, excited down to the bones. With shaking hands, I try on the outfit and smirk when it fits like a glove. Now, I just need to do my pre-date ritual before I go to sleep.
(Author: this next part is my actual pre-date ritual and you can do it if you want- it works for me!)
First, I (of course) brush my teeth to where I taste and breathe mint, so I know I'm good in that department. Next, I put cosmetic whipped argon oil (mine is scented as vanilla water) around my eye area and jawline to reduce eye bags, eyelid opacity, and to increase the look of a sharp jawline. I get in the shower and wash my hair and shave. (ladies, most of us do it- slow swipes! Men, y'all know we shave) Then, I put on face moisturizer and finally, lip balm. (so the balm soaks in before you do some kissing action) Now, some beauty sleep!!
The next morning:
I roll over, grabbing my ringing phone and turn off the alarm. Remembering why it's going off in the first place, I jump out of bed, smiling. I work on my makeup, applying just the amount to where it looks like I didn't try too hard while still looking natural. Satisfied, I put on my outfit and curl my hair and putting it up in a curly ponytail. I put on my perfume and lip balm then look in the mirror, smiling to myself.
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Ready, I go down to the lobby to meet Father's goons to go to town. Looking forward to today, I text Lancelot.
Me: hey, we still on for today? About to head to town.
L: Yeah, we're good. Where should we meet up?
Me: how about instead of planning where, I text you when and where I lost the goons?
L: sounds good. Don't go getting in trouble now.
Me: I live for trouble.
I put on headphones and play my hype music, Footloose coming on as my grin spreads to a smirk. Ready, my foot taps to the beat. Along the drive, the music gets me going even more, me biting my lip and catching the goons looking back every now and then, rolling my eyes at them because they aren't my type.