Arid heats made the marshes muggy, A brown queen lay, basking in the sun while her kits played. Both kits were of a pale brown coat and stunning green eyes, one, a tom, had brown socks. The she-cat tumbled into the other, making them roll around with. The tom landed ontop of his sister and pinned her to the ground.
'Got ya, Rabbitkit!' He chuckled, a grin growing upon his small face. Rabbitkit huffed, kicking her brother off of her.
'Whatever, Mudkit.' Mudkit ran off toward his mother, who lifted her head up at the stumbling kits, giving them a tired but gentle smile.
'I beat Rabbitkit! I beat Rabbitkit!' Mudkit chanted, making the she-kit roll her eyes. Heathergreen pulled mudkit into her with a paw and began to clean his fur.
'Well done, You should get a mouse for the two of you. You'll be hungry after all that playing' She said softly, letting mudkit jump over her arm and run ahead of rabbitkit.
'I get to choose because I won!' Mudkit remarked, lifting his head up proudly, Rabbitkit muttered something before speaking up.
'I get to choose next time then!''I'll be able to hunt for myself soon! I will be an apprentice after all!' Lilykit remarked, lifting her head up. She was a grey she-cat with brown speckles, who was about half a moon away from becoming an apprentice and was sat at the treestump with Rabbitkit, Mudkit and her brother Treekit. Rabbitkit rolled her eyes.
'I say we play a game. We havent played clans in a while.' She flicked her tail and Lilykit nodded.
'I'm leader! Rabbitkit is my deputy!' She said quickly, chuckling girlishly. 'She-cats rule!'
Mudkit sighed. 'I'll be Medicine cat.' Mudkit tended to bore the other youngsters with his knowledge and passion for herbs. Everyone expected him to become one someday.
'Well I'll be a best hunter the clan has ever seen!' Treekit squealed, puffing his chest out, ruffling his brown tabby fur. Rabbitkit had already gathered leaves, stones and a small mouse for their game. She placed the rocks around them, making the camp outlines, then placed the mouse ontop of the leaves, making a make-pretend fresh-kill pile. Mudkit gathered herbs that had been lying around and pretended to sort them. Lilykit sat ontop the tree stump, pretending to be a leader. Rabbitkits ear flicked.
'I'm going to take Treekit on patrol.' She said, padding up to him
'Make sure you get me some Burdock root!' Mudkit called out.
'I dont even know what that is.. We'll just get him a stick..' Rabbitkit murmured to treekit, but apparently Mudkit heard her. 'Its a Root! Not a stick!' The she-cat rolled her eyes and began walking out of the 'camp' with Treekit. The padded around the outskirts of shadowclans camp. A white tom with icy blue eyes and a black patch on his chest known as Coldpaw padded past them.
'Filthy thunderclan mouse brain!' Rabbitkit spat at him, fur bristling, of course only playing. 'Get off out territory before we have to fight you!' Treekit continued for her, flicking his tail beofre they both turned to go to their stone marked game with a stick shared between them for Mudkit.Time had passed and now the four kit were following Heathergreen, who had agreed to take them out of the camp for a bit. She took them to the wooded area not to far from the camp- close enough that they could walk back. Mudkit seemed cautious.
'I wanted to go to the marshes.' He nudged his mother. 'Please?' There was a confused look in Heathergreens face. How would Mudkit know about the Marshes? She thought. He's only a kit and had never been told about them.. Her mind swirled with questions but she shook her head slightly, shrugging it off.
'Not today, sweetie. We need to be back shortly. And you can play better here.' She smiled slightly, sitting down. Mudkit sighed and went to look for herbs, sitting down and messing with some when he found a few. Lilykit grunted and bit his tail, pulling him with all her strength.
'Come on Mudkit! We want to play!'
Authors note:
705 words. Is that decent? should there be more? eh.
This took me 3 days to write and im never motivated to do anything. expect slow updates dhsh
Rabbitscars guilt
Fanfic"Come with me to starclan.." "Never" A kit born into shadowclan, but torn between good and evil, her decision is life threatening as she leads a troubled life. Chapter 1-?: Fleckstar~Shadowclan Leader, Marshfoot~Shadowclan deputy Codstar~Riverclan...