13 sharing food

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Me and Taehyung left school to get some lunch. We were at some small cafe and took our seats after we ordered our food.
It finnally came and I saw Taehyung eyeing my food.

"Want some?"
I ask him

"N-no baby. You haven't eaten anything today."
He says

"It's okay. Have some!"
I said with a smile

"Then feed meee!"
He says

"Omo... But-"

"Feed me Jagi!"
He pouts


I lean closer to him with the noodles on the chopsticks. He opens his mouth like a child and I place the noodles into his mouth.

He says

"Is it good?"
I ask

He nods his head Yes, then i take it bite, and it was in fact, really good.

"Want more?"
I ask him

He hesitates to answer. I chuckle and stand up, sitting beside him.

"Say 'ah'. "
I said

He opens his mouth and I feed him again. He sighs happily with his eyes closed as he chews. He looked so cute so I peck his cheek. His eyes shoot open.

"I love you."
I said

"Oh! I love you too! We have so much in common!"
He exclaims

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