2 - New school year

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Park y/n's POV

"Summer vacation finally ends today.And SCHOOL starts again.

Last year was hell for me Kim Seokjin always bullied me.I don't know what will happ-"

I was cut off my thoughts when my mom called me I picked up the call (as our house is really big we call each other to communicate) "y/n-ah are you ready to go to the first day if school?"she said "yeah.." "The break fast is ready come to the kitchen I'll be there waiting for you" "okay mom."

*Call ended*

So I went downstairs and started eating.I took my Lamborghini and went to school.

Here we are now in that hell of a school.Everyone gave weird looks at me.No one knows about how I really am or not cause I always act like a nerd in school.

Suddenly someone came upto me from my back.I turned to see my bffs.

It was my English class now jennie and lisa had Maths Jisoo had arts and rośe had Geography.

We all went to our classes.

I sat beside the window at the last.Then someone walked in I could hear all the girls fangirling over them when I looked up I saw no one but BTS.

I tried my best to hide from Jin and for him not to notice me.But he did..

He smirked and came up beside me and sat there,"Mhm long time no see,baby girl"

"I'm not your baby girl okay and dw honey you wont be able to bully me anymore" I said "We will see baby girl" Jin said while smirking at me "Did the nerd just talk back to seokjin?!" Said one of the fangirls of him."Guys she talked back to our oppa let's teach her a lesson" one of the other fangirls said.

After that a group of girls came upto me and started bullying me.

Jin never really bullied me that bad but his words were hard enough to kill me.But he never even stopped someone if they bully me.

Suddenly rośe came to my class cause I left my notes with her.She saw that I was being bullied and pulled me away from there.

Rośe and I went to the others cause 20 minutes was left before class.

They all planned something but didn't tell me what it is they said it's a "surprise".

After that we went to all of our own classes.

While the teacher was discussing I could feel someone staring at me I didn't care at first but it didn't stop then I looked around to see who it was it was no one but KIM SEOKJIN.I ignored him for the rest of the class.

*The bell rang*
Miss Lee "okay class that's it for today and the seats you're sitting in today will be your seats for the rest of the year" I mentally cried about the fact that seokjin is my seat mate.

*in the cafeteria*

I met the girls and the guys (aka BTS) sat on the table beside us.

Married to my bully 《Kim Seokjin》Where stories live. Discover now