The Plan

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Becky: I AM THE MAN!

Seth: Bullshit.

Dean: That was amazing Becks. But if you really wanna do it best, Do it in Seth's ear.

Seth: Dean Don't give Becky any ideas.

Sasha: morning baby.

Seth: morning sash. *kisses her*

Finn: So Seth Apparently you got a plan against Cesaro, Bray & Drew.

Seth: yeah follow me.

Bayley: to where? We're in a dark & cold cell.

Seth: THIS Is Where. *stomps on ground*

A Secret door opens.

Roman: When the Fuck did you dig that?

Seth: while we were doing all those jobs, Sasha & I snuck back to our cell & dug this up.


They all go in the cave. There are 3 couches, a table & Surprisingly a Lamp that WORKS.

Dean: This sucks where's the MMA Punching bags.

Seth: Dean there's only so many things you can put in a cave.

Roman: This is Huge!

Dean: That's What She Said!😂😂😂😂

Bayley: will you stop that Dean. It's traumatizing me.😞😣😢

Finn Hugs Bayley comfortingly

Sasha: Ok Back to The Plan!

Planning Table...

Sasha: Ok so we'll make it 3-on-3.
Seth, Dean & Roman.


Roman: Dean, Go Back a minute.

Dean: Yes?

Roman: no the other thing.

Dean: Believe in The Shield?

Seth: yeah. What is that?

Dean: thought it'd be a cool name for us what do you think.

Seth & Roman: Fucking... GENIOUS!

Sasha: Ok The Shield! I like it.

Dean: ok I'm out. Imma ask Coppy-McAsshole if I could borrow 3 uniforms.

Cop: Hey Ambrose.

Dean: Hey Coppy McAsshole. Look I wanna know if the guys & I can borrow 3 uniforms.

Cop: I dunno what's in it for me?

Dean: Justin Bieber magazines.

Cop: I'm in!


Sasha: so all you needed to do was offer him JB Magazines & he let you guys look like badasses

Dean: Believe it Sister.

Cesaro walks down to the cell.

Dean: Aww is Mr. Swissy worried that I'm gonna KICK HIS ASS SOON?

Cesaro: You're on!

Another Chapter Finished.

The Shield Has Been Formed.
Cesaro's group has their plans too.

See y'all next Chapter.

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