The Shield

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Seth: Best one so Far!

Dean: Bullshit!

Sasha: Dean you don't know good.

Dean: Oh Really.

Seth: yes really. Now hurry up & get ready, were dealing with those 3 punks.

Dean: or as I like to call them, Superman, Drew McMark-Ass-Trick, and creepy ass.


Seth: I'm sorry that's hilarious.

At Lunch...

Dean: There They are.

Roman: So What's our Game?

Seth: Easy We Beat The Shit out of Them

The Shield Ran to Cesaro's Table & Beats The Shit out of Their close buddy, Baron Corbin.

(Baron Had it Coming)

Dean: You 3 Are Next!

Cesaro: you know guys I just realized something. Your chicks aren't with you so-

Seth: You Touch Them we will burn you down. & I'm not even just saying that. Dean will get a flame thrower & burn you.

Drew: is That Right?

Dean: Yeah FakeBalony.

Drew: That's Not Even Close to my-

Dean: Oh Shut The Fuck Up!

Bray: What are you 3 even called now?

Dean: We are the shield & we are the most Effective, Efficient, Most Dangerous Unit in this Asylum!

Cesaro: Prove it.

Dean: Wrong Request.

The Shield Throws Punches at Cesaro, Bray & Drew.

Cesaro Was Going for Neutralizer when Seth reverses & Stomps Cesaro's head.

Dean & Drew Did the craziest things to each other but it ended with a dirty deeds from ambrose.

Roman & Bray were left.

Bray Tries a "Sister Abigail" but Roman dodges & Spears bray.


The Cop came out & ties Bray, Cesaro & Drew up.

Cop: You Have The Right to Remain Stupid!

Dean: Ayyy I love that line.


Cop: well. You guys defeated Cesaro, Bray & Drew so you're free.

Sasha: Yay. We get to go home Seth.

Seth: Actually that reminds me to ask you a certain question.

Seth looks out the window.

Seth: Sasha... Will you move in with me?

Sasha: YES! YES! YES! (Say That 10 times fast) But wait... I dunno where you live.

Seth: I'll take you there.

Bayley: *Hugs Them* I Know where he lives.

Seth: you do?

Bayley: Yeah Right across the street from me😊😊😊. Finny will you come to my Cute Little House?

Finn: I Would Love to come to your house Bayley.

Bayley: Yay! *Hugs the Shit Outta Finn*😍😍😍

Becky: so Dean where do you live?

Dean: I got evicted.

Becky: you can stay at my place.

Dean: Shiiiit OK!😃

Roman: So Queenie. I think it's time we head home.

Charlotte: sure thing big dog.

Cop: Let's Go home.

Dean: Oh no Mr. Oink oink. You're staying here.

Cop: but I wanna come with you though.😭

Roman: dude, how old are you, like 40?

Bayley: Awww it's ok. Finn & I will write you. *Hugs him*

After 30 minutes in The Car everyone is finally home.

Another Chapter Finished.

Next Chapter is where I tell you about The Ship's lives after the asylum.

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