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I touched Sofia's hand just to see if I felt anything. I did I felt an explosion of fireworks course throughout my body. However I know Sofia and I can never be together . Such a burden in my mind.  I guess it's my fault for making our parents meet . "James!" My twin sister Amber yells snapping her fingers infront of my face . "Yes Amber?" I ask "We must go down to the garden , the Artist is here to paint our new family portrit ." Amber scolds sternly as she pulls me up from my thrown . As we walk down the hallway towards the garden I start to think of Sofia more . Wondering what must be going on in her mind. 

_Sofia _

"Come on Sofia ," My Mother says softly motioning for me to follow her . As I follow her I look back to see James being snapped out of a daydream by Amber. Admireing the way his goofy smile lookedso cute . I turn back facing fowaed and let out a small chuckle under my breath. I smile the rest of the way  to the garden , wondering what James must of been day dreaming about. Could it of been dragons, or dinosuars ,? "Who knows ?" I barely audibulely mumble quietly aloud . "Gosh this is going to be tough ," I remark after my Mother and "Father" left me alone to setup for the family painting.  


"James!" I yell infront of his face , watching him smile like an idiot . Why? Maybe about a new toy he would like . I will nevr know and I really don't care at all. I eventully pull him up from his thrown . Watching him walk down the hall day dreaming again . This time I just won't snap him out of it. 

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