Digimon trouble

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Tsume pov)

Back in the human world I wanted to go find the purple Digimon, I know I told Myotismon I would be in the digital world but I had my own little mission, I started searching look for the boy name Jake but couldn't find him so wandering around for almost an hour was tiering

"My queen, aren't we supposed to..."

Ladydevimon asked as she appears from my shadow

"Can you help me ladydevimon"

I asked looking up at her as she nodded, I asked her to help me find Jake and the other DigiDestined.

"Well if there not here they could be in the digital world"

"Yes, but what if they're not!"

I said almost shouting. I couldn't stop hearing what that imp Digimon said to me along with the others. They knew me and wasn't scared of what I could do, I started to think maybe they're right but I'm scared to find out about what and what if Myotismon finds out.

Vex pov)

Vex and the others were in the digital world taking care of the open portals that started opening allowing wolf Digimon to come in. Firamon and I were making quick work together as I mapped out the portals that opened and was closed again. This mission was fun but I had to take it seriously to show Jake what I can do.

After we made sure our areas were clears I took out my walkie talkie that jet gave us to stay in touch when we're not together on missions.

"Jake, it vex my area is clear, over"

I said, letting go of the receiver waiting for him to answer, I didn't take him long to respond telling me I have done a good job and return to Uncle cherrymon. after a well-rounded mission, we would always return to our base which is uncle cherrymon. He didn't mind being the lookout when it came for us but I could tell that he missed Tsume dearly, we told him not to worry and that we're doing everything we can to bring her back but it seemed that the longer we take on it the more he seemed like he was wilting.

"How are you feeling today uncle cherrymon?"

I asked them as Firamon landed a few feet from him

"I'm hanging on kids don't need to worry about me. Have you got any word on my girl, please tell me that she is okay"

Uncle cherrymon said as I didn't have the heart to tell him that we still haven't been able to find tsume for weeks now

"I'm sorry but I ..."

Before I can continue I was cut off by Jake as he and Sealsdramon came walking out of the forest

"don't worry Uncle Cherrymon I told you that I will find my sister and when I do you get to do the honors and telling her off"

Jake said as he gave a small smile to the tree Digimon oh, I could tell that he was just as hurt as Cherrymon but he was worried about him.

"Thank you, Jake, you make an old mon Happy"

He said as Jake nod, then jet came jumping off of his Digimon

"Guys we have a problem there's trouble back in the human world"

he said panicked as Jake looked to me as I gave him nod letting him know that I was ready. Jake made a portal for us to quickly get back home if anything does happen while we are away, once back in the human world a lot of people are running and screaming and panic as we saw 3 random Digimon that were attacking the town

"Orders sir?"

jet asked as I looked over to Jake, Jake looked at the Digimon as he told us to take them down so that's what we did, I was starting to get used to being on the team and I started to understand why Tsume took it so seriously as well, she was the strongest in the team and mostly The reckless one but now that I'm part of the team and it was just me, Jake and jet took care of business as Ryuichi was in the recovery room. I knew that I had to be just as brave and tough as Tsume was, I just wish I knew where she was

an hour into the battle we took down two of the Digimon until we heard a familiar voice call out to Jake, we turned our attention to the voice as we saw Tsume standing there in the middle of the street

"Tsume ?"

Jake said shocked as he saw his sister, I saw him take a step forward only for me to stop him

"Don't go it's a trap"

I told him but he smacked my hand away from his shirt

"You think I don't know that I'm not that stupid, do your job and mind your own business"

Jake told me which didn't really hurt as much, I always took his mean compliments as a way for me to build my confidence but I knew that when he saw Tsume he does really reckless things. I watched as he made his way over to Tsume but stopped

Jake's POV)

"Tsume, what are you doing here it's dangerous?"

"I came to see you am I not allowed to see you?"

Jake didn't know how to answer that, just hearing her say that made him feel a sting in his heart but then again he realized that she wasn't herself at all not the way he knew her

"You're allowed to see me but not when you're like this"

Jake told her that she tilted her head to the side and confusion not knowing what he meant by that

"I didn't come here to fight you I'm actually looking for that purple Digimon that is always with you, do you know where he is, I would like to speak to him?"

"Are you talking about Dorumon?"

"that's his name?"

Tsume said happily as she clapped her hands together, Jake didn't understand why she wanted to see her own Digimon but he knew that he had to be careful

"Tsume you can't see him"

"Why not?"

"Because you're ... not well."

Jake didn't know any other way of telling her what her problem was the last thing he needed was a battle from her and her guardian that was hiding somewhere that Jake couldn't find anywhere but he had his Digimon justimon hiding in the shadows as well as a safety precaution.

"But I'm not sick, I want to see the purple Digimon, you have to tell me where he is he's the only one that can help me"

Jake's eyes widen in shock when hearing this from his sister, what did she mean by that, jake figured that she wants to remember what she lost or could this be a trick

"What is it that you need to ask him?"

"I'm not going to tell you I want to tell him, he's the only one that knows me I saw it before so can you tell me where he is?"

Jake looked at his sister as he turned back to the group who was looking at him waiting for him to make his decision, Jake looked at his sister again inside giving it to her as he walked over to her and whisper something into her ear and unexpectedly received a hug.

"I will return to you"

"I know you will"

Jake said not returning the hug as much as he wanted to he only knew that the feeling would hurt more than it already does as he watched his sister walk away.

Tsume's POV)

I quickly made my way back to the digital world after getting information on how I'm supposed to find the purple Digimon which he called Dorumon, he told me to go to the river in the valley where he and I first met so I took his advice hoping that what he told me was true, I ignored what ladydevimon told me about not trusting him but as of right now I just knew I had to see him 

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