Intro: Discord moving in

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It was the day following Tirek's defeat. Fluttershy was upset at Discord for betraying his friends. But, her unhappiness didn't effect her kindness. Discord needed a place to stay, and reluctantly she let him live with her. "I cannot thank you enough Fluttershy, for letting me stay with you." Discord said, placing down two suitcases in her spare bedroom

Fluttershy's only reply was,"I've got to go spend time with the girls, we're spending the night at Twilight's. Don't forget to feed the animals, all of their food will be in the second cupboard to the left or in the backyard. I'll be back tomorrow."

She flew out of the house not waiting for a reply. That was strange, Fluttershy rarely flew in the house, but Discord could sense her anger. I can't believe you sided with that evil creature...I trusted you...Her words from that day rung in his head.

He couldn't believe it either. He unpacked his things mainly old knick knacks and a crystal flower. He went down into the living room and at the sight of him all the animals fled to the backyard. "How am I supposed to earn back Fluttershy's trust again if I can't feed her animals?"

Good Question Discord, hey guyz it's Flutterpanda1 I hope you enjoy my into chapter! Chapter 1 will be out soon

Fluttercord the story of Fluttershy and Discord:A MLP:FIM FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now