Overlord x Tarn

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Summary: After finally managing to capture Overlord, Tarn goes to interrogate the mech. Unfortunately, he discovers that Vos tested a dangerous injection on their captive, and on Tarn himself. He ends up being used by Overlord as an outlet to counteract the drug, and is forced to remain completely silent throughout the ordeal, or risk Kaon [and ultimately the other D.J.D.] finding out.

'Overlord. List traitor, powerful opponent, and current captive of the D.J.D. No interrogation techniques have been proven successful in an attempt at extracting information from him.'

Tarn switched the monitor off with a scowl of irritation forming under his mask. Four solar cycles, and they had still not managed to wipe the smug grin off that bastard's mouth. It really got under his metal, even without considering the expert level of interrogation/torture that each member of the Decepticon Justice Division possessed; then it just became a slap to the faceplate. He slammed his fist into the offline screen with a resounding crash, giving in to his anger in a moment of weakness.

Taking a deep intake, he regained his composure and headed for Overlord's cell. In all honesty, it was more of a room with torture devices and chains. Primus, it sounded like something you would find in some pervert's basement, but it really wasn't. Really. It was just a normal torture room. With normal torture. Totally normal. Totally. He was just going to stop now.

As he came to the door, Tarn sighed. He needed to get his thoughts under control, but they had been so wild, so erratic, lately. Nickel tried, but couldn't find a reason other then something that might be psychological. But why now? In his entire lifecycle so far, he had always been able to control his thoughts under any circumstance, so why was he not able to now?

What about now made it near impossible?

He shuttered his optics a few times to get his wandering processor back, servo hovering over the codepad next to the door. Tarn stared at it for a long second, then tapped in the 12 digit code and waited for the door to slide open before he walked into the room, and the door slid shut behind him. As one would expect from a room such as this, it was dark and quiet, nothing new. But something...Something was off. Something was wrong. His gaze shot to the table in the center of the room where they had strapped Overlord down...


Energon-splattered, damaged, but empty.

Tarn revved up his canons, prepping them to fire while he quickly assessed the situation. Overlord was missing, he didn't know where the mech was. The door had been intact, so unless one of the others took him out- which they did not- he was still in-


Tarn's vents rattled as he took in a strained intake, the frame behind him, harshly pressing his own into the wall, [Faceplate first] making it hard to do so.

Ah. There he was.

"Hello, Tarn," Overlord whispered, mouth much too close to Tarn's audio sensor for his liking. Tarn writhed slightly under the other mech, trying to angle his canon anywhere other then the ceiling, all the while talking calmly and asking himself how on Cybertron Overlord got loose. He had been a fool to let the Con [Ex-Con?] sneak up on him like that.

"Overlord," He greeted curtly, then frowned when the other mech noticed his canon's movements and quickly pinned his arms above his helm with a servo. This was just wonderful. What had brought this on?

"Really now, I'm quite hurt here." Overlord began, to which Tarn scoffed. Overlord, hurt. What a stupid thing to say. "You bring me here, hold me in this room for four solar cycles, and of all the D.J.D., you were the only one who didn't visit me!" Overlord practically purred the last line, and very uncharacteristically, one might add. "Can you tell me why?"

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