Chapter one: Growing up

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Ali walked in to her classroom hesitantly holding her dad's hand. Her mother had left very early on before Ali could remember much of her. Ali resembled much of her mom. From her long blonde hair that lightened up in the summer, to her emerald green eyes she had her cute button nose that fit perfectly with her freckles that just went across the bridge of her nose, Ali was fairly paled skinned she loved playing outside but she never got dark or sunburned her mother very similar.

Ali wore a white shirt and navy blue

and white striped leggings with ruby red slippers. Her hair was pulled back and the hair tie had a red bow on it. Her dad was fairly good with colors that looked well together. Also her mom sends clothes and money to help. Her mom never explained why she left, she just left. Then when ever her father would try and send something back to the address it was always returned with a message saying. "No longer does someone of that name takes residence there" her father would often sigh after that and throw the letter away.

Ali is greeted by a young woman early twenties with rich brown hair that is curled, dark brown eyes that look almost black, bright red fingernails, black heels, and a white dress she had black eyeliner on and white eye shadow that made her eyes pop. "Hi, there I'm Mrs. Carson I will be your daughter's teacher you are?" She asks eyes beaming and smiling a bright smile.

   "Uhh... Wilson, Mike Wilson, and this is Ali." Ali's Dad stutters as if caught off guard. Mrs. Carson holds out her left hand her bracelets jingle slightly as she shakes Mr. Wilson's hand, and she says.

"Well it's great to meet you Mr. Wilson," she pauses a brief moment to bend down to Ali's level. "And you to Ali, now why don't you run along and make some friends." Mrs. Carson smiles point to the rambunctious kids on the playground. Ali smiles.

"Thank you, and nice to meet you!" Ali chirps running off to the playground.

"Great another girl." One boy groans hopping off the top of the monkey bars.

"Wait she looks cool what's your name?" Another boy asks with jet black hair that looks shaggy from playing and bright blue eyes he was fairly pale as well but he had just went to England for the summer.

"Ali and yours?" Ali mumbled getting shy.

"Leo." Leo smiled standing tall and proud. Leo wraps his arm around Ali and introduces her to the rest of the boys.

"That's Jack, and Ryan." Leo chimes pointing to each boy. Ali does a cute curstie. Leo smiles. "Do you wanna play with us?" He asks without the other boys condolences.

"Sure, what are you playing?" Ali asks.

"Hide-and-go-seek." Leo answers.

"Alright, who's counting first?" Ali asks looking at all the boys.

"I will!" Jack chimes his brown curls bouncing and he brown eyes beaming.

"You, count over there on the tube slide." Ryan orders pointing to the slide. Jack nods then walks over to the slide.

"One... Two... Three..." Jack starts counting. Leo grabs Ali's hand.

"Come on I know a place they will never find us." Leo whispers then pulls her along. They run and hide in the giant willow tree. Ali giggles and Leo shushes her. "Stay quiet or they'll find us." Leo says peeping through the willow tree's green leafy vines. Jack runs around looking for Ryan. While Ryan stays safely tucked in a slide.

"I found you!" Jack exclaims looking up the slide Ryan is in. Ryan slides down.

"Darn it." Ryan grumbles shaking his head which messes up his blonde hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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