Chapter 3

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                               The sunlight filtered through unfamiliar trees. The trees were all leave-less a sign of autumn and oncoming winter. Tanya stood in front of him, the look on her face hard to read but completely contrasting from her normal cheery attitude. She regarded him with a steely gaze, he could feel himself talking but couldn't hear what he was saying. He drew closer to her and to Eunseom's surprise he grabbed her roughly and pushed her against the tree still talking. But why was he doing this he'd never hurt Tanya and what was he saying to her. For a moment he saw fear on her face but it was quickly masked by a look of determination, then she spoke and he could hear her.

                            "I regret it," she paused and swallowed before she continued, "I should've never have met you."

                            Eunseom woke with a shock Tanya's words ringing in his head. What was that dream? he would never have hurt Tanya like that and he had never heard Tanya so angry. Quickly he told himself that he deserved it , because of his half-baked plans many of the Wahans lost their lives. He wasn't left for long to stew in his thoughts as the door to his room was opened abruptly. The man who had purchased him yesterday walked in and paused for a moment to observe Eunseom.

                            "Hmmm to bad I don't have enough time to clean you up," Eunseom had no idea what the man was saying but the man seemed fine with continue talking to himself, " no matter I'm sure the Jarl will have other servants to do such business." The man then stepped forward and grabbed Eunseom's bound wrists and pulled him to his feet, and with out a word began to drag Eunseom out the door and lead him through busy streets.

                         Though the weather seemed overcast there was no rain, The streets also seemed busier than the day before. The closer they got to the destination the more crowded and chaotic it was. Eunseom noted that it seemed like some sort of festival or party was happening and began to worry about what part he was going to be made to play.

                      The man leading him along often stopped and greeted many people in a hearty manner. Soon their destination became apparent, is was a grand building with many people filling in and out at varying stages of intoxication. The noise was near unbearable when he entered the building, he'd say it smelt bad too but he wasn't one to talk at the moment. He was roughly jostled about as the strange man dragged him through the partying crowd towards what Eunseom could make out to be two chairs made up of ;large pieces of wood that rested upon a raised platform. Each chair held an occupant the first Eunseom saw was a woman with golden hair who held herself proudly and with confidence as she spoke merrily with those who spoke to her from the crowd. The other was a man with a strange hairstyle, but not the strangest Eunseom had seen he noted to himself, and piercing blue eyes that surveyed the crowd accompanied by an awkward but confident smirk.

                    Eunseom was brought out of his thoughts as  the man leading him yanked sharply on the rope tethering his hands as he called out to get the attention of the man with blues eyes. His voice somehow managed to carry over the clamor of people and finally they were in front of the platform.

              "Yarl Ragnar! Congratulations and apologies for coming late to give my greetings."

            "Arne," the blue eyed man spoke, " glad to see you could make it. I hope the journey fared you well?"

            "Of course, the winds are very fair this season making the sailing enjoyable." at this moment he yanked Eunseom forward. "And I bring you a gift."

                Eunseom had been unable to follow the conversation because of the foreign language but he didn't need to understand to realize he was now being talked about as the man with blue eyes was now staring directly at him.

             "Who are you?" the man with blue eyes asked, Eunseom could tell it was directed at him but had no idea what he was saying so he could only look at the man silently.

              "Ah pardon me Yarl, but i don't think he knows our language yet." at this the blue eyed man's gaze returned to Eunseom's captor,

             "Interesting, that will be fun," he said more to himself, "Thank you Arne for your gift and presence." he made a gesture to a man that stood beside the platform and Eunseom found himself being traded off once more.

               Eunseom was dragged away from the crowd and to a small room behind curtains where his lead rope was then tied to a pole and he was left by himself in the room. Looking around he saw many interesting things, such as pelts of animals he'd never seen before. He also realized he could probably untie himself and escape the noise from the party would cover up any noise of him escaping. But then he realized he had no where to go after that and finally the dream he had this morning came back to him and he slumped to the floor in a sitting position, and thought to himself no one wanted him back any way.

A/N: Hello sorry for the late release I had an unfortunate trip to the hospital which prevented me from writing, but i'm out now and everything's okay and I hope to make the next chapter twice this length if I can. Thank you all for your patience and for reading this.

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