Chapter 6

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            I don't know how long Kyle and I stood at the bus stop hugging for what felt like hours, but when we finally pulled away a wave of embarrassment cascaded onto me.

            I sniffed, laughing tearfully. "I'm sorry," I said, wiping away the stains of wet mascara off my cheeks. "I'm crying like a child over something stupid while I should be at work and not keeping you from doing what ever it is you do when I'm not around," I snorted shaking my head, "I'm such a loser—"

            "No you're not."

            "I am," I said, seriously. "I'm crying over a boy. That's stupid,"

            "Everyone cries. No matter what they cry over, it doesn't change the fact that they are sad and need to cry.. Just let it out Rose and when you're done," he shrugged his shoulders, "we can pretend like it never happened."

            I smiled. "God, I love you."

            He chuckled quietly, "I love you too." We stood smiling at each other like a pair of impaired goofs until he sighed contently, "Hey, let's not take the bus,"

            I frowned. "Why? How else am I going to get to work?"

            A creepy grin slowly slid onto his face, "Because my car is parked outside of Vanessa's flat and she lives a couple roads away. Also, you're not going to work," I opened my mouth to object, yet still he continued. "You're coming with me,"

            He reached to grab my hand and I slapped it away. "You are not going to manipulate me into doing anything I'm refusing to do again, Kyle Norris!" I said defiantly, crossing my arms.

            A hearty chuckle left his mouth making me roll my eyes, "That's what you said forty-five minutes ago."

            I narrowed my eyes at him, "You're not going to sneeze on me, are you?" I asked, suspiciously. He smirked and I gasped. "No, please! Kyle don't-"

            "Relax I'm not going to—" I screamed as he hysterically coughed into my face while I backed away, pummelling my fists into his chest as he tried to pull me into a hug. His coughs distorting into laughter, I shot profanities at him for being so childish but secretly I enjoyed this. Secretly, I enjoyed having someone like him in my life, and as much as it embarrassed me... he knows that.

                                                                                          * * *

{mila's POV} 

            Contemplating whether I should call Rose to apologize for being such a hormonal bitch, I picked up my phone gliding my fingers over the buttons. Besides, it wasn't her fault for betraying me by bringing Kyle. We both know how bloody stubborn that bastard is and knowing Kyle, he would've done something insane like sneezing on her until she caved in. I smiled. Then again, I would've done the same seeing as she's a complete germ-freak.

            Sighing I tapped away at the buttons but suddenly stopped when a light rattle at my bedroom door sounded, "Come in."

            In entered Marshall, stood with a bouquet of blue tulips and a golden box of Godiva. A goofy grin made it's way onto his face as he ambled closer towards me holding them out. "I heard you were on your period," he said.

            I stared at him.

            He stared back, expectantly. "Um..." he cleared his throat, "Your mum let me in."

            Unbreakable silence.

            "I also took out all the chocolates and replaced them with aspirin... you know, for the pain?" he chuckled, "And I know how much you hate fat-"

            My eyes widened stopping him mid-sentence, "Did you just call me fat?"

            He looked aghast. "What? No! Of course I didn't! That's not what I meant. What I mean was that....erm... I..." his brown eyes darted back and fro helplessly, "I don't know what I meant..."

            I closed my eyes and sighed. "Could you please just.... leave." I opened my eyes expecting him to nod fervently and advance for the door, instead he walked closer sitting at the end of my bed with a look of determination. "What are you—?"

            He cut me off. "Listen Mila, I love you," my breath hitched, "I can't imagine the day I won't. I know I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, or the juiciest lamb in the herd, or even the greatest at Black Ops. But one thing I do know is that, I'm the best you'll ever have," I couldn't help but smile at him until he decided to ruin it by adding, "... in bed."

            Nevertheless I pretended not to hear that last part and flung myself out of the covers and into his arms, inhaling deeply. "I love you too." I whispered, quietly enough so he couldn't hear me admit it for the first time.

            I allowed him to softly bury his head into my hair, suffocating me in what felt like heaven in his arms. He was right, he is the best I'll ever have. There is not a single doubt in whether I truthfully believe that he is my so-called 'One' and I too cannot imagine the day I'll stop loving Marshall bloody King. But sometimes, love is not enough.

            Love is not enough to raise a baby and love can't always fix things. I should know from experience that nothing lasts forever, including feelings. So how can it be definite that Marshall will forever be in love with me and I, with him? How can I be sure that one day, he won't just get bored and leave? The problem is that I can't and I'm a legion amount of miles away from risking everything by telling him that growing inside of me, is his first child.

            Suddenly, he pulled away and I groaned from his departure. He smiled lovingly at me, "I kinda have to go..."

            My heart sank slightly. "Why so soon? You just got here,"

            "I promised Coach I would come back for practice and-" I planted a kiss onto his lipsdeepening it by gently invading his mouth with my tongue. He responded quickly moving closer, our mouths moving in sync. Completely lost in his taste, he moaned quietly into my mouth and I pushed my fingers into his hair, letting him trail his fingers up my shirt until they stopped at the clasp of my bra.

            They hesitantly lingered there until he suddenly broke the kiss, resting his forehead against mine. Our rapid, heavy breathing mixing with each others, he sighed and whispered, "I love you," I melted replying with, "I know."

            The look in his eyes told me everything. That he was perfectly content with me not being able to say it back and he was okay with waiting. Drawing my lips closer, I felt my back hit my bed softly.

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