Much boredom

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I'm very 😑 I'm trans I just wan the world to be a hot person and I can not be a single woman with my own family and I love you and Morty is the night I love you and Morty is the weekend I love you and Morty is the kind a Christmas party I can get to school in a minute or three and I'm just wondering if I have to get my mom and my sister in law school I just wanted to let you have a couple of days I can get you and Morty is the good good stuff to me and Morty is the afternoon I can do it I s is the first movie I'm just trying not a good one to be a good one to you and Morty is the temperature and the hot tub is a great deal and the weather was hot out there up the street in a good spot for me to be in the shower I was thinking of the hot and hot hot and I was just like hey I can get you a good one and Morty is the year I'm a r the first one trans boi boi is the last one 

Hey I'm just tired and I have to work my Twitter was a hot break and I just finished my homework and I just started my school and I just thought it might just take me out to a movie I love it and Morty was a really fun movie I just yet to get to the movie I just saw a movie and I just told her that I just t the first one trans boi boi is the first r the first one trans boi boi is the first one trans boi boi is the first one trans boi boi is the first one trans boi boi is a one of the first single one in my first one trans boi boi is the first one to break the record I love it.

Lol i just tapped the suggestion box for a couple of minutes. 


So I guess I say " I love you" " Morty" and " trans boi boi" a ton huh?

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