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Kiss kiss fall in love

Fred's body pressed against Harry's to the point of nearly crushing the short boy with his chest. Harry's face was burning a fierce scarlet, Fred wincing. "Sorry," He apologized, trying to maneuver himself. Harry ended up getting elbowed in the face, then in the neck. The raven haired boy let out a hiss of surprise.

"Don't worry about it." Harry groaned as Fred let out a sigh. His elbow removing itself from Harry's body.

Footsteps passed the area the boys were in. Both were holding their breaths. Harry prayed that they weren't going to be caught, they were so close to what Fred claimed was "the most coolest, awesomest, amazing place in all of Hogwarts." Honestly, Harry would have been fine in the loo, as long as he was with Fred.

Trying to get his blush under control, Harry thought of an ugly toad wearing pink. He hoped that would never go to Hogwarts, even if the toad seemed harmless in his mind. It was just plain hideous.

Fred pulled his arm causing his thoughts to derail.

"Come on, were almost there." Fred opened the door cautiously. Peering out, Harry took a look as well. Fred nodded at him and they exited the closet. Their shirts were messy, and Harry was sure that his neck had a bruise forming.

Fred and he swiftly ran down the halls. A small laugh coming out of Fred's lips as Harry grabbed onto his hand. Turning sharply, Harry tumbled. In return, so did Fred.

Harry ended up below Fred, wincing as he came into contact with the stone floor. Fred gasped and landed with his elbows on the sides of Harry's head, straddling his hips. Harry bit his lip softly, Fred's face softening. Their noses were close enough that Harry could feel every breath on his lips.

Fred's elbows wobbled as he half-planked over Harry's body. Slowly, Fred let one arm lower, sinking into Harry's chest. Their noses touched, and both boys felt their chest tighten and breath hitch.

"Y-you're close." Harry stammered. Fred grinned, then it dropped. "Does it bother you?" He questioned. Harry shook his head, noses brushing against Fred's.

"You can get closer if-if you want." He murmured, avoiding eye contact.

"Harry, look at me." Fred demanded softly. Instinctively, Harry obeyed. He half expected to be slapped. Fred let his elbow slowly drop. Their chests touched and Fred clumsily touched their lips.

"It was a chaste kiss, but if was our firsts." Harry's voice trembled as he glanced down. On his finger laid a ring. It was a simple golden band, with two gemstones engraved side by side. A diamond and a ruby.

"That's a beautiful ring," Molly commented. Harry looked up with a sad smile.

"Thanks, Fred gave it to me."

George nodded sadly. He admired the ring, wondering when he had the time running the shop with him to buy Harry that.

"I still can't get over I dated you." Ginny murmured. Harry heard and turned to her. His eyes were colder now. Ron felt tension spring into the air. Hermione hit Ginny on the shoulder.

"Why? Because I fell in love with your brother? Or is it that Fred and I agreed to pretend to date a few girls to throw people off our traces? Or maybe because deep down, you know I never loved you in more than a sister. Especially when you tried to pressure me into having sex on our third day of me "dating" you?" Harry spat as anger emerged from his facial features.

Ginny grew red, but remained quiet after Harry had spoken.

"What happened... after the kiss?" Hermione asked after several minutes of silence. Harry softened and slumped in his seat.

"Well, after the kiss..."

Boxes (A Harry Potter & Frarry Fanfiction) ✳️Where stories live. Discover now