Stage Three. Chapter 7.

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"hello green paladin" Kolivan said with a soft voice and held his out to shake hands with her.

Pidge tensed up since she not touched anyone since her time after lotor. She felt safe in keith hold and liked him gentle touching her. (not in a kinky or sexually way but like he has been while helping her out). She hugged her brother without brother but hasn't touched any other paladin or altean since all she does is tense up just thinking about touching someone. Keith noticed her tense and knew she still couldn't handle others touching her not until she gets over what lotor did to her.

"mum, can i talk to you" Keith asked with a frown as he watched Kolivan look at pidge strangely before pulling his hand away.

"yes keith" Krollia asked and keith whisper in his mother galra ear telling her what lotor did to pidge and begging for her to help him keep others from toughing her.

"Kolivan, the green paladin seemed to have stage three while being a prisoner" Krollia  whisper as that was a code for rape by the galra. Keith walked over to pidge giving a slight smile and placing a hand on her back to calm her. Kolivan nodded to Krollia in understanding and it made sense why the paladin didnt shake his hand back like normal. 

"sorry" Pidge mumble feeling bad that keith had to stand in while she was meant to be proving her worth. 

"dont be, I'm always gonna be by your side even when you no longer me too" Keith said with a small smile and pidge sided hugged.

"I'm never throwing you away, your the perfect height to cuddle" Pidge smiled and the two laughed a little. 

"since your going to be on the planet for a week, do you want to take a couple days to calm yourself and hopeful be able to handle someone touch during a fight" Krollia asked with a small smile.

"thank you and I'm sorry for making you wait" Pidge said with a slight smile and keith knocked his shoulder into her to let her know its ok. 

"you must never be sorry for your fear, everyone has a fear and sometimes it takes time to settle over it ... please let us know once your ready for a fight" Kolivan said with a kind smile.

"i will thank you both" Pidge smiled and turned to keith who gave her a gentle smile before nodding.

"what a stage three" Allura asked puzzled while matt stood pale, he knew what the codenames stages all meant since the rebels often do recue missions with the blade of Marmora. One of the blade of Marmora taught him so he understand what to do for each person who had a certain stage happen to them. 

"oh Katie" Matt said with tears and hugged his sister why the others looked confused.

"it seems bad, should we be worried" Lance said with worry.

"maybe, sadly i dont know what stages mean in blade of Marmora" Coran said with a frown. 

"dont worry pidge, we be here to help you over it" Hunk said with worry and went to hug her but she jump out of matt hold to step away and tensed making keith slide in front of hunk to stop him. 

"she talk about it once she ready, please wait for her" Keith asked with sadden eyes and hunk nodded with worry. 

"keith" Shiro said with a frown and shook his head telling the half galra boy to come over and explain. 

"why dont you come with me, i can do checks if you want" Krollia smiled kindly knowing pidge wouldn't probably want to get away before anyone ask anymore. 

"sure" Pidge said with a weak smile and followed Krollia to do normal physical checks. 

Shiro walked back to the group with pale skin and eyes of anger, shock, horror and sadness. 

"no one is allowed to touch Katie apart from keith or matt unless she the one to touch you first" Shiro ordered to the small group.

"why" Coran asked with worry. 

"just dont" Keith warned. 

"what is stage three" Allura asked crossing her arms.

"pidgin will tell us once she ready, I'm sure she doesn't want to talk about whatever stage three is code for until she over it" Lance said with a worried smile.

"we just have to wait for her to open up" Hunk smiled. 

The group slowly went their different ways on the planet to explore. Allura and Coran went to check out the defences on the planet. Lance and Hunk walked away to check out the market. Keith, Shiro, Matt and Kolivan sat in a small rebel tent set up.

"who was is" Matt asked with a broken voice.

"Lotor" Keith said with anger.

"i hear that haggar never gives up on a prisoner unless they truly pointless then she kills them but for her to pass pidge to lotor  means the green paladin didnt break" Kolivan said trying to find a bright side.

"Katie is strong but i wished she grass on us if that would have saved her from lotor Rape ... he would have shown no mercy to her knowing it would break us or her at some point" Shiro said with sadness in his voice.

"pidge did what she thought was right and she proud that she didnt break to lotor nor Haggar. What important now is helping her feel safe again and giving her a place to belong without fear of being taken again" Keith growled. 

"keith right, pidge is trying to act like nothing happened and its behind her so lets do the same, we give her a hand when needed but we wont push her towards pity" Matt said with a small smile.

"i agree but would should i do if she cant handle fighting during the test, i can give her until Friday but if she not tested by then, I'm afraid allura see her as a weakness" Kolivan said with a frown.

"keith since your the only one she lets touch her without any fear, we leave it up to you to help her. Your helped her with her leg and training her leg I'm sure you can do something to help her with this" Shiro said with a small smile.

"got it but i might need your help shiro since I'm gonna need her to try touching someone or being touch by someone who not me. She fine with matt since he her brother but i need someone else to help get her use to touching again" Keith said with worry and shiro nodded. 

"i do it" Lance sighed as he walked into the tent.

"lance" Shiro yelled. 

"look, i overheard everything so i can guess what happened i do have a huge family and know about the horrible things that can happen. It clean by how she keeps tensing or avoids us so we wont touch in any way" Lance said with a frown.

"are you sure, she gonna be scared of you and might even start crying from a slight touch until she gets better" Keith warned.

"she my friend and i want to help, i wont tell hunk nor the alteans until she ready to talk but let me bring back her normal painful slaps we all missed" Lance smiled and keith nodded.  

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