"what about Peedee?"

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Steven's p.o.v

We warped back home, so I run all the way to my bed, grab MC Bear Bear, and start crying as I hug MC. I heard someone coming up to me, they sat down behind me, and put a hand on my shoulder. "We'll get them back Steven, it'll all be okay" Pearl says as she rubs my shoulder "I know, I'm just worried. What if they hurt her?" I ask, Amethyst jumps on my bed saying "don't worry Ste-man, they all know how to fight." I smile and just say "okay, I trust them, and now let the growing boy get his sleep, I am tired."

-time skip to morning-

I groan as my alarm goes off, barely got any sleep, I was worrying too much about (Y/n), so I turn my alarm off, and get up. A thought just went through my mind.... what did Garnet mean?

"We'll get them back, and we'll make sure that the Peridot gets what she's asking for, right after Steven talks with Christie about Peedee."

I shake my head at the thought, maybe Christie is helping Peedee with coping about his feelings for Louisa, or maybe- I gotta know. At that moment I run strait to the door, and see Lion on the porch "hey Lion, help me find Christie. She's (Y/n)s cousin, with long blonde hair" he nods, and leans down for me to get on top of him. I jump on him, and he roars open a portal, we find her at the Big Donut "thanks Lion, I'll get you a Lion Licker while I'm in there." He lays down and licks the back of his paw "I'll take that as you waiting for me" I say to myself.

I walk in and Christie looks back at me "hey Steven, is (Y/n) with you? She didn't come back home yesterday" I shake my head. Tears threatening to spill out of my eyes from the mention of her "it's hard to explain, but she'll be fine. Anyways, Garnet told me to ask you about Peedee" she drops her donut at that "what about Peedee?" She asks. I look at her and say "Garnet has future vision, and she told me to ask you about Peedee." She sighs and says "follow me" she walks out with her donut that she dropped, but I stop her.

"I need to get Lion a lIon licker" I say and grab it, she looks out and sees Lion "oh my god!" She says scared "dude I'm already terrified of cats, why get a lion?!" She asks hanging onto my arm. I walk over to the counter and say "well he's my pet, and he gave me a ride her to you, so I owe him. Here you go Sadie" I say and hand over the money to Sadie, she nods with a smile "no donuts?" She asks. I shake my head "no, I'm good right now" I lead Christie to Lion, who was happy for the lion licker. After Lion ate it, he roared himself another portal, and left us, Christie looks at me with a nervous smile.

"I got found out, huh?" I nod "so just tell me what Garnet wanted me to find out, please!" She nods, and motions for me to follow her. I do, and she leads me to the broken down dock, but to the side on the opposite of the city. Before I can even question her, Peedee jumps out of nowhere, with a daggers in each hand. He scared me so bad, I made my bubble form around Christie and I, Peedee bounces back from the impact. "Nice, but next time I suggest you don't get scared" Christie jokes, Peedee looks at me with a smile.

I make my bubble go down as I ask "can someone fill me in?" Peedee puts a lock of his hair behind his ear as he says "well Christie thought I could help. So whenever, Pearl I think is what I heard right, teaches her, she would teach me to the best of her ability. She thought it would be cool if I can help so I can be side by side with Louisa- I mean the team. Yeah.... the team, who is the team anyways?" I look between the two as I say "well they are gems. Gems who have rebelled against their home, and it all started with my mom, I didn't know you could fight."

Christie then says "well it took awhile, since he realized he couldn't help when, from what he told me, some type of person was taking over Louisa, he couldn't do a thing. When we first started it was funny!" I raise an eyebrow "you mean 'fun', right?" I ask confused. She shakes her head with a laugh "it was funny, whenever I got close to him with a weapon, he dropped his so he could grab his shirt out of fear." Peedee starts blushing because of Christie "but he learns fast, and when he does surprises like that, it helps the both of us."

I look between them and say "well then I got one question" they look at me, curious on what I want to ask, so I ask "where's Asher?" Peedee begins to think. "You mean that new dude that came with Louisa?" I nod my head "oh, he's staying with me. Since he couldn't remember his way back to your house one day, I asked my dad if he could bunk with us. He's most likely with my dad covering for me" I smile at that, but remember both her and (Y/n) being captured. I start crying a little, Christie noticed and asked "what's wrong?" She also put her arm around my shoulders.

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I shake as I look up at the giants- sorry, at the diamonds "just put the thing on your ship like the others, it shouldn't be any problem." The orange gem picks me up, and puts me over her shoulder as she walks certain turns. "You stay in here you little bug!" She says and throws me into a weird looking cell, I sigh and look over at the wall. "Lapis there has to be a way out!" I hear Louisa in the distance, not that far, but still not close either. "Just give up Louisa! Both of us couldn't get through the field, and we got poofed trying. There's no hope left for us!"

I stand up and say "guys there will be a way, never give up hope!" "(Y/n), is that you?!" Louisa yells out "yeah, we can-" "stop talking!" The gem yells while punching the wall near my cell. I flinch while looking at her scared "you will regret doing this- I'm sorry, what type of gem are you?" I ask. She glares at me "I am Jasper, and if you don't remember that, I will squash you" I start to glare her down. "Really?" I ask confident, but I hear Louisa say........

"Don't, she's being serious, she poofed me because I called her a 'Big-tough cheeto puff'!"


Hehehehehe that is funny, now I hope I can serve you another chapter again soon!


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