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Abuse warning

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Abuse warning

3rd pov//

"Get up Shouto! I will not have such a weak son! You must surpass Almight! Though with how worthless you are I don't know if you fucking can!" The anger filled man shouted at his helpless son.

Endeavor landed an aggressive kick to his child's stomach causing the young teen to be sent flying towards the wall. The duo colored male was already badly hurt littered with cuts, bruises, and burns that were mainly on his right side.

"I said, get up Shouto." Endeavor stated coldly sending shivers down the injured boys spine.

Shouto tried his best to get up but to no avail. Once the male was halfway up he went crashing down to the ground with each attempt. Anger increased by every second in the 'number 1 'hero as he watched his 'master piece' fail to live up to his name. Endeavor growled, gritting his teeth together, bawling his fist up, and yelling, nothing in particular, he was just pissed as hell. The angered male turned away from his son and left the room, but before he stepped into the hall he spoke.

"Your worthless I hope you know that." Endeavor didn't even spare his son a glance.

Warning over

He just left his child on the ground bleeding, burned, cut, bruised, hurt physically and mentally scarred. Fuyumi rushed into the room with an aid kit for her little brother. She felt her fears, worries, sadness, and regrets taking over as she tried her best not to cry. I wish Natsou or even Touya were here. She thought to herself as she successfully held back her tears.

"ShoSho! Are you okay?!" Fuyumi shouted with panic laced in her voice.

She ran to her brother who failed to respond to her calls. Fuyumi carefully lifted her brother shifted him to her lap and held him in her arms hugging him while she swayed side to side softly.

"It's okay big sis is here she's got you don't worry no worries. I'm gonna tend to your wounds, please tell me if I'm hurting you okay?" Fuyumi spoke hoping her brother would respond to her.

She hoped he would hear the distress in her voice, and he did the silent teen looked up at her and slowly nodded. A now surprised Fuyumi promptly wrapped his wounds, put ointment on his bruises and burns, and when she was all done she notice. All of the bandaged places could be covered up by clothes as usual except for the large bruise swallowing his left arm and stopped at the back of the pained boys hands. Shouto noticed it too that's when he felt his heart drop. Everyone is gonna notice it bandaged or not he knows someone is gonna say something and his father is going to be pissed! Shouto thought to himself in fear. Fuyumi and Shouto locked eyes, the duo colored male looking more worried than his sister. Fuyumi hoped someone would notice it, and not shrug it off, or believe a lie. She wanted someone to save her dearest little brother.

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