Hi so this is my first time doing this sort of thing so Genos x Reader everybody

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        Okay before this story starts I want to say to whoever is reading this thank you SO much for clicking on my book! Be Warned: this is my first time ever writing fanfic so it's probably gonna suck ass(please don't be mad T-T) I was stupid and decided to start writing when school started so that's probably the reason as to why I won't post very frequently. U guys can vote on who you want next but only opm characters. I maybe just maybe write a lemon in da future. P.s my writing is complete shit so sorry in advance. Holy peanut butter this long. Keep in mind there will be cursing and at the end i'll probably ask a random question. Okay I'll start now.

Have you ever had that feeling were you have to do something but your body just won't let you? Well that's what's happening now. You have been sulking in you room for days because recently you found out that your boyfriend of two years has been cheating on you with someone you hate.


You carefully walked into your apartment trying to make as little noise as possible. You had just came back from a trip to Italy with your friends and saw your boyfriends car in the parking lot of your apartment complex when you came home. All you wanted was to surprise your boyfriend and see the look on the idiot's face when you surprised him. Everything was silent but voices could e heard coming from the guest room. 'Maybe he's on the phone?' you thought. You peeked through the door to see what was going on and saw your worst nightmare become a reality. You saw your boyfriend shirtless making out with the biggest bitch of the seven seas, Tiffany Miller (i'm sorry if that's your name). You watched horrified not knowing if you were angry or sad at the moment but you decided to see what the snakes had to say behind your back. Your boyfriend (i'll make up a name on the spot...uh...Lucas) eventually pulled away to say something. "God you're hot" was all that he said. "Am I better than that bitch (Y/N)?" "Fuck Yeah baby." Your anger went through the room like something just died in you at that moment. "OH HELL NO!"  You kicked the door wide open leaving them shocked but you didn't care you just kept on yelling "YOU BASTARD HOW COULD YOU?!" Lucas immediately shoved Tiffany  off of him. "(Y/N) I thought you were coming back next week!" he managed to say

That was it

"Oh Oh you thought I was coming back next week Oh OKAY then how does that EXPLAIN THE SKANK IN MY APARTMENT?!?!" you screeched. "Who are you calling a skank you bi-" "BIGHT ME BLONDIE!" you screamed and that instantly shut her up.

"Come on (Y/N) can we talk about this just let-" "JUST WHAT LUCAS! Do you want to explain to me what's it's like to screw A DOLLAR STORE MAKE-UP WEARING SLUT!" He winced at the sudden harshness in your voice. At this point even you neighbors could hear you and hot tears started streaming down your face. "We're over get out." you said coldly.

"(Y/N) don't do this."

"Don't tell me what to do now you and that tramp better get out or I will personally make you." you spat with a dark aura surrounding your steady figure. The two quickly dressed themselves and went to you door you were about to slam the door in their faces but Lucas wanted to talk.

"Let's work this out please don't end things like this (Y/N)."

You sighed "Lucas I spent two years of my life loving and being with you and i leave for a week and you cheat on me. It's over. I hope you burn in hell." was all you said before closing the door.

*Flashback Ends*

And here you were now. You decided that it would be best to leave town especially after you heard that the two lovebirds got together. You currently live in city R but were moving to City Z much to your friends dismay. After what seemed like eternity you got up and finished packing your stuff. You sent Lucas his clothes from your apartment by mail and left a little surprise in the package(you let your imagination decide what it is). You got in your car and started the long drive.

After what seemed like eternity you finally arrived in city Z. You heard that there were not many people but there were a lot of monsters.'No wonder why the rent is so cheap' you thought you started looking for your apartment but couldn't find it. You looked at the piece of paper again not realizing that you bumped into someone until you fell to the ground.

"Excuse me ma'am but are you alright?" the stranger asked. You swore he had the most amazing voice you ever heard. You looked up and saw what looked like an android. Before you could answer he asked another question. "Are you lost?" You just looked at him stunned. There was something about him that made you want to get closer.

"Um yeah I just m-moved here and I can't find my apartment." you blurted out. Normally you had no problem talking to strangers but now seeing this mysterious cyborg made you want to hide (and blush ;) He took a look at the piece of paper that you had in your hand.

"Oh I see follow me your apartment is right next door to mine." he said. You slowly nodded following him up the stairs. There was an awkward silence and you weren't sure if you should try to make conversation. You arrived at the right door not sure what to do next. "Here you are miss..."

"(Y/N). My name is (Y/N)."

"I hope to see you again (Y/N). Farewell." He said before leaving when he was no longer visible you touched you cheek. 'Why are my cheeks so hot' you wondered

Time Skip because i'm lazy

After 2 hours you were finally done unpacking. 'Damn that took longer than I thought' Now came the bigger problem. since you spent the day driving and packing you didn't have time to buy food. "Welp guess i'm gonna order takeout." you said to yourself. After a quick phone call you were waiting for the pizza guy to come. You were waiting for half an hour until you saw the pizza guy's car in the street. You waited another 5 minutes until getting suspicious. You opened your front door to see a bald man arguing with what looked like a 17 year old kid.

"For the last time I didn't order a pizza!" the bald man shouted.

"Well man this is my first delivery and it was to this address." The boy replied.

Before you could tell the two that this was a just a misunderstanding the blonde cyborg from earlier came to see what was happening. "Sensei what seems to be the problem?" The blonde asked.

"Oi Genos can you tell this guy that we didn't order a pizza."

'Genos so that's his name' finally you decided to say something "um excuse me I think that's mine." The three males turned and looked at you. At first you were confused but then you realized what you were wearing. Normally you wore graphic tees and jeans but right now you were wearing a loose black tank-top and cameo short-shorts. The Bald man just seemed annoyed but Genos and pizza dude started blushing. You broke the silence "Um so can I pay for that now?" you said holding a ten dollar bill.

"Oh..uh y-y-yes of c-course!" The boy stuttered which was kind of cute. As you talked to the guy who's name was Jake by the way you could've sworn you saw Genos glaring at him but you soon brushed it off. After he left you knocked on the door of your new neighbors.

"Hello can I help you?" the bald guy asked with a monotone voice.

"Hi i'm your new neighbor (Y/N)! I'm really sorry for what happened earlier.

"Oh I'm Saitama and this my roommate Genos." He said as well as pointing to the cyborg behind him. 'Huh roommate. For a moment I thought they were lovers.' After the small talk you went back to your apartment to finish your pizza and then went to bed.

'Maybe this won't be so bad after all'

        Hello citizens of Earth! I will make a chapter two I promise. If you hated this and think I should never write again I understand I suck at writing. Please tell me if you liked this and who should I do next. And before I forget here's today's random question.

Who would be better at Piano Tiles, Genos or Speed o Sound Sonic. Vote Now! K luv y'all bye!

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