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You and Kat have been friends since the two of you were 15. And you've had feelings for her for a while. But you never told her because you didn't want to ruin your friendship.

You've expected those feelings to go away, for it to be a silly little crush. But they've only grown stronger. You can't hold them in any longer. You have to tell her.

"Y/N" you hear her voice and you turn around "should I be concerned that your door was unlocked?" She smiles and you laugh slightly "guess I forgot" she rolls her eyes and sits on the couch and you take a sip of your wine "bit early for a drink isn't it?" She smiles and you let out a laugh "it's only wine"

You sit next to her and she smiles. You feel your heart flutter and she makes a face "what's wrong? Somethin on my face?" She asks and you shake your head "uh, no. I just. You look really pretty today" you smile and she blushes slightly "well thank you, 2 hours of sleep makes you gorgeous" she jokes and you laugh a little.

You look at her, studying her features, she's beautiful.

"Y/N the starings getting a little weird. You sure there's nothing on me face?" She asks and you shake your head clearing your throat "it's now or never Y/N" you think to yourself.

"Actually Uhm. Kat, can I tell you something?" You ask and she nods "shoot" you sigh slightly "we have a great friendship, I mean we've been friends since we were teenagers" she grins "yes, we do have a great friendship. But what's the point?" She asks and you look at her

"And I wouldn't want to ruin that friendship-" "Y/N get to the point" you look at her "I like you. Kat. I like you, like you" you explain and her smile drops, it falls silent and you look at her "I have feelings for you. I've expected those feelings to go away but, they've done the exact opposite" she clears her throat awkwardly

"Oh" she says and you look down avoiding eye contact "you don't have to say you don't like me back. We could be just friends-" "how long?" She asks and you shrug shyly "two years" she nods and looks at you and then laughs.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She asks and you look at her "did you not listen to a word I just said? I didn't want to ruin our friendship" she grins before cupping your cheeks pulling you in for a longing kiss.

Your eyes widen but you melt into the kiss. It's slow and sweet. Your hands go to her waist and she pulls away with a huge smile "i like you too. And I don't want to be friends" your smile drops and your brows furrow into confusion "then why did you kiss me?" She giggles and raises her brows.

In realization you grin "I want to be your girlfriend, Y/N/N. That is if you'll have me" she smiles and you giggle "how could I say no?"

I apologize if this is bad, I also apologize for not being so active, I have been watching a lot of Game of Thrones I'm not gonna lie.

Ciao, for now

"It's called necrophilia, Reggie. Can you spell it?"
- Jughead Jones (Riverdale)

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