An Experiment

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*Warning*Foul language, Character death

¨DEKU!" Katsuki watched as Izuku fell through the villain's portal, he tried to get up again only to be held down by one of the weaker villains. ¨Get Off, Scumbag!" he yelled as he shoved them aside with an explosion and tried to run towards the now closing portal. The portal had barely just closed when "Its ok Kacchan, I'll come back." He clung on to those words for months now, that is until today, Aizawa walked into the room with a clipboard, "Today neither of you will leave this room." everyone looked at each other wondering what happened, Uraraka raised her hand "Did something happen? Did someone get hurt?" She asked. Aizawa shook his head "A student has been killed." he clears his throat as he started reading off the clipboard "Today we will not follow regular class schedule, for we will have a memorial service for a young fallen hero. He has given us clues, reports, and weaknesses of our enemies, this young man has given us the opportunity to fight the biggest evil but was also killed and dropped near this very school. This hero was kidnapped 7 months ago during a villain attack, he was one of the many students fighting off the League of Villains before getting kidnapped, his name Midoriya Izuku." he paused to wipe his eyes, sobs broke through the class, even Bakugou was crying but to many's surprise Todoroki showed no remorse even though he was Midoriya's boyfriend. " He suffered multiple 3rd and 4th degree burns, he had 6 broken ribs along with 3 shattered limbs, his crown had been bashed in and half of his face had been disintegrated. This boy suffered greatly but he still refused to help the villainous group. To this we will forever thank our third year, Midoriya Izuku." He finished as he sat down on his desk rubbing his eyes as everyone began to weep, some screamed at the loss of their classmate while others cried silently on their desk.

Todoroki stood up "Calm down, Midoriya is gone I get it but we must not let this bring us down we should move on with our lives and live freely." everyone was shocked he of all people should be mourning "And before I sit down I have an announcement to make," Momo interrupted " Not now Sho-"Momo and I are dating." The whole class stayed silent but soon people started to get visibly angry "What the actual hell!" everyone heard Mineta and turned "Why, now! You just heard your boyfriend got killed in the most brutal way possible and you act like nothing happened! You moved on so quickly, Did you even like Midoriya?", "I was experimenting, I did like him but not in that sense." "Fuck You!" Bakugou was a crying mess "Deku gave you his fucking all and you say you never liked him?! He just a fucking experiment to you?! If you didn't like him like than you could have told him! Someone else would've been able to actually fucking love him not use him as a fucking experiment! You all say i'm a fucking asshole when the actual asshole was standing right in front of you this whole time!" he yelled, "Where's the body?" he asked as he turned to Aizawa "I canno-" he glared at him " The body is currently with recovery girl." He nodded and ran out the classroom. Bakugou skidded down the hallways to the nurses office, He burst into the room only to see Izuku's mother kneeled by her son's body. Sobs racked through her body, she looked up and saw Katsuki, she opened her arms as he ran up to her for a hug as they cried together. He stared at Izuku's body but he noticed something was off "Auntie Inko?" she looked at him with watery eyes "How many freckles did Deku have?" she looked at him confused "He had about 4 visible freckles on each cheek, why?" he got closer to the body "He only has 3," he further examined the body he looked at his arms and realized he didn't have as many scars, he looked at his face and lifted the eyelid to see turquoise unseeing eyes, he backed away "This isn't him." he seemed to smile "Auntie this isn't him, shit, he could still be alive!" he turned to her and hugged her again. "How can you be so sure, Katsu?" she asked "Because I know Deku more than anyone else." He ran to the principal's office to inform him of his discovery.

"Oi, Mousebear!" the principal turned to him "Ah Bakugou, what brings you here?" he asked politely, "That isn't Deku," he said "His arms aren't as scarred and his eyes are fucking turquoise, that isn't fucking deku." he stated. The principle looked him in the eye and sighed, "Yes you are correct that is not the real body." he turned to the window " I had sent out a pro to go find him, we will find him do not worry but for now don't tell any of your classmates." he nodded "Fine, but I get to go with the hero." Nezu's breath hitched but he nodded reluctantly. "Go put your suit on and wait near the secret entrance." Katsuki ran down the hall and bursted through the door of his classroom, "Where's my suit?" he asked, Aizawa handed him his case and let him run out, he slipped his suit on as fast as he could "Dammit." he mumbled as he fiddled with the buckle. He ran to the door and watched as a pro hero approached him, they nodded at each other and ran out, they leaped from roof to roof till they reached the place 'Izuku' was dumped, the pro used his quirk and retraced the steps of whoever dumped him. They followed the steps until they made it to an abandoned warehouse, the pro made some signals at Katsuki and split up, Katsuki made his way around examining the rundown warehouse until he noticed a window.

He crept up to it and looked through only to be greeted by a gruesome scene. Izuku laid limp and strapped to a table, his face bruised and slightly disintegrated, he barely even had clothes on, his arms bent at awkward angles his legs severely bleeding, he had scorch marks all over his body, blood dripped on the floor from the table. He looked for the pro and reported what he had saw, they made their way back to the window and cut an entrance with some of the support items they were given. They crept to the table Izuku was strapped on, the pro stood guard as Katsuki undid the straps and picked up Izuku, he seemed to be a lot lighter too, "Hurry, get him out of here their coming!" the pro whispered, Katsuki nodded and slipped out the hole and ran back to the school as he ran he heard an explosion, he looked back to see the building on fire and a couple cop cars surrounding it. He continued to run through the halls and burst through the doors yet again and placed him down on a bed while Izuku's mother came back into the room. She covered her mouth as she gasped and ran to hold his hand "Thank you Kastu, thank you for bringing my baby back." said as she smiled, he genuinely smiled at her and went to take his suit off.

He walked back into the room and saw recovery girl was already examining him, "It seems that they went easy on him, he only has two broken rib, his left leg was snapped in half while his right leg seems to be slightly cracked, they also dislocated his shoulder and broke his right arm, he has a couple 2nd and 3rd degree burns as well. Luckily he has enough stamina to heal both his ribs and his arm, I'll relocate his shoulder and that's about all I can do for today." His mother sighed in relief that her son wasn't dead. "But we cannot let word get out that Izuku is alive at least not until he is fully healed," she turned to Bakugou "do not mention this to any of your classmates, do you understand me?" she asked him sternly, he nodded and headed back to class. It's been a week after Izuku's memorial and secret rescue, he woke up after while to find he wasn't in the warehouse anymore "H-hello?" he whispered, Recovery girl pulled back a curtain "Yes, sonny?" he jumped back in surprise "Recovery Girl?!" he yelled. She nodded "I'll call your mother." she walked off, a few minutes later Bakugou burst in through the door "Deku..." he ran up to the bed and hugged him, "K-k-kacchan?!" he asked his chest felt damp so he let him be. Later his mom ran into the room "Oh my baby!" she sobbed as she grabbed ahold of his hand, "How long was I out?" he asked "Your were gone for 7 months and you were in a coma for a week." Bakugou answered as he finally stopped hugging him. "How is everyone?" he asked Bakugou "Well everyone is still fucking depressed, except for Icyhot, He and Momo started dating the day of your 'Memorial service', what an asshole." He looked back at Izuku and saw his eye started to water, "Hey, Hey it's OK! You still have everyone else, and you have me, Round Face and Sonic." Recovery girl came in "Your test results came back and you should be good to go to class just make sure not to freak them out too much." She chuckled. Izuku wiped his eyes and nodded as he chuckled weakly, recovery girl handed him a new uniform and a pass after he got changed.

"Come on, Deku." he grabbed his wrist and pulled him along, "Wait here while I tell Aizawa." he left him outside of the classroom as Bakugou walked inside, "Ok come in now." he took a deep breath and walked into the classroom "DEKU!" He heard his friends shout. He was tackled to the ground by almost everyone, he could hear everyone sobbing and how they were sure he was gone, after a while they all got off of him and helped him up, Todoroki started to walk up to his but everyone blocked him "Let me through." He growled "Hell no." Mineta yelled "You're dating Momo go with her!" "Let him through I want to see what he has to say." Izuku whispered the class crowd behind him glaring at Todoroki. "Izu it's not true, I'm not dating Momo it was all a joke, I love you and only you." Momo walked in "So you don't love me? So all those days meant nothing to you?" she asked as her eyes watered "No no no no no, it's not like that!" he panicked not knowing she would be there. She ran off "So it was true, And you just tried to lie to me, I'm sorry but it's over." He said softly, Todoroki laughed "You think I actually loved you, HA, you were nothing but an experiment to me!" Katsuki punched him.

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