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i haven't updated any of my books in like 5 days, so i'm sorry about that but this short imagine was requested by cocopuffsInMyMouth , so i hope you enjoy it, along with everyone else who reads this.

you were sitting patiently, on the couch, in the living area of outpost 3. you and a few other people have been staying there for a few months now, since the attack. someone had come a few days ago, saying that he would be taking control from here in out and that he wanted to get to know each and everyone of you.

"y/n l/n" you turn, hearing your name being called, which brought you out of your train of thought. you stand up and follow the tall man, to a room down the hallway. he opens the door for you, closing it behind you, him standing outside of the door, in the hallway.

"please have a seat" you hear. you do as the person says and take a seat, at the desk. you turn your head, hearing footsteps and see a man with long strawberry blonde hair. he was wearing a black turtle neck, under a black button up t-shirt, that wasn't buttoned.

you realize that your mouth is agape as you take in his features and you quickly close it shut. he walks towards the other side of the desk, taking a seat in his spiny chair.

he keeps his head down, as he shuffles through all of the papers that are in his desk. once his eyes finally land on the one he's looking for, he picks it up and clears his throat before saying, "im michael langdon, and you must be... ms. l/n?"

"y-yes?" you quickly stutter out, not realizing that you said the words so fast, you could barely even understand yourself. "hmm" he hums our, still looking at the papers.

he finally sets them down onto the desk and he folds his hands in front of him, looking at you. "let's start with some simple questions, is that okay?" he simply asks. you nod your head, quickly.

"how old are you?" he asks, licking his lips. breath in, breath out you think yourself before saying, "17" he nods his head and jots something down in pen, on a piece of paper.

"what happened to your parents?" he asks, looking back up from the piece of paper. "they died during the attack. i was sent here, after 6 different men broke into my house saying "we'll bring you to safety" to be honest, it's pretty boring here. i mean who makes up rules saying 'no sex' and plus, we barely get any food, and that's annoying" you quickly shut up after you realized you were rambling again. "sorry, i tend to ramble a lot when i'm frustrated" you apologize and look down at your hands that were lying in your lap.

"what do you mean when you say "no sex""? he asks, getting up from his chair, and sitting down onto the desk, still facing you.

"w-well. if any of us h-have s-sex then we'll be-" you were cut off my him as he said, "i made those rules for a reason" your face is flushed at this point, and now your very embarrassed, as you just got mad because of this man's rules.

"i'm sorry, i didn't know.... but may i ask why..?" you question, looking up at him through your lashes. you see him bite his lip and he chuckles.

"well if no body is sleeping with each other, we have a lower chance of someone becoming pregnant" he simply says, chuckling again. you didn't realize why he was laughing. nothing was funny.

"why can't-" you start but he cuts you off saying, "lack of food" you nod your head understanding what he meant by that.

"if you want.. i could make one acceptation for sex" he says, still chuckling. your cheeks are burning hot, realizing what he means, but you stay confident and look up at him, crossing your right leg over your left one and folding your hands on top of them.

"that's highly inappropriate, mr. langdon" you say rolling your eyes, giggling, but trying to keep a straight face.

 langdon" you say rolling your eyes, giggling, but trying to keep a straight face

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"of course, i'm very sorry, ms. l/n. if you wouldn't like to talk that way then, i'll stop" he says, standing up for, the desk and making his way over to the door.

he slowly opens it for you and quickly stand up, assuming it's your time to leave. he catches your wrist as you walk past him, halfway out the door, saying, "my door is always opened, if you change your mind"

you nod your head, still flustered from earlier but now becoming even more flustered as the words roll off of his tongue. "have a lovely night, y/n" he let's go of your wrist and shuts the door behind you.

you walk down the hallway, back to your room. when you open your door, you walk inside and quickly shut the door behind you. you plop down onto your bed and let out a sigh.

i could always go back... maybe right now... or in a few minutes... hours... days ... weeks you think to yourself, smiling and deciding that you walked out of his office for no reason.

you finally made a decision and decided to walk back downstairs, to his office. you knock in his door and you hear his voice from inside his room saying, "it's open"

you open the door and walk inside, closing it behind you. "i'd like to take you up in that offer, mr. langdon" he smiles darkly before making his way over to you.

MICHAEL LANGDON ➭ [I&P]Where stories live. Discover now