Witch bitch - michael langdon

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Hey guys, this imagine is a little different because this time the reader is a witch. Hope you enjoy 💘

"I don't like it" Michael mumbles under his breathe. You roll your eyes for the hundredth time that day and sigh. You've been trying to get michael ready to go to the party that ms. Venable had been hosting because they had gotten apples and wanted to celebrate it. Of course, you and Michael knew not to touch the apples, as they were poisoned.

"Well I do" you say, giving off a bit of an attitude. Michael looks up at you, in the mirror and gives you a look. A look that you knew all too well, anger. You kept your head High though, just like you always did. If you weren't as powerful as Michael then you probably wouldn't have kept your confidence all of the time, but you were so that was something you didn't have to worry about.

When you and Michael first met, he had mistaken you for being like everyone else when they saw him, to coward down and be submissive. You had taken him by surprise when he tried hitting on you and you specifically told him, "no I don't want your number, so stop asking." So of course he took interest in you, you were the first person he's ever met that has defied him.

You turn away from the vanity that Michael sat at, and walked towards the dresser. On top of it were two black laced masks, they were the ones you and Michael would wear to the 'masquerade' ball/party, whatever you wanna call it.

Picking up michael's larger mask, you walk back over to him and place the mask in his large hands. "After the party.." you say, running your fingers over his clothed broad shoulders. "It'll only be me and you left. I wanna—" Michael cuts you off by grabbing your hand and yanking you down onto his lap.

He brings his lips to yours and kisses you softly before standing up, which makes you tumble to the floor. "Let's get going, princess. Don't wanna be late" he says, his back turned to you as he fumbled with his shoe laces to tie them correctly.

You quickly stand up and grab your mask, placing it on your face. "See you there" you say back, walking out of Michael's room.

When you walked into the living room area, where the party was being held, everyone looked at you. "Can I help you?" You ask, annoyed. Everyone averts their eyes and goes back to what they were doing.

Since you and Michael had first arrived to outpost 3, everyone in there, listened to the same song over and over again and they told you that it was the only song that would play, repeating itself over and over again.

Suddenly, you feel a tap at your shoulder and you turn around to see your beautiful boyfriend. "Mm" you hum and bring him into a hug. He wraps his arms around your waist and you bury your head in the crook of his neck. "I missed this" he mumbles under his breath as his right hand travels down your back and towards you butt.

You squeal and back away when he touches it. "You just had it this morning though.." you say, trailing off.

Ms. Venable and Meade walk into he room and everyone shuts up. "Thanks to our guest, we have a special game for tonight" ms. Venable says, and one of the grays that you've come to learn was Mallory, walks in with a giant bowl filled with water and apples. She pushes it in the middle of the room and stands back. "We will be bobbing for apples.." venable finishes and walks to the bowl.

"Everyone in a line" Meade says and everyone obliges. You and Michael stand next to each other. "Let's begin" she says. The first person to go was Coco. And then Andre and gallant. You stopped paying attention to who was going until you hear michael say your name.

Bringing you out of your train of thought, you make your way over to the bowl and stick you head in, grasping an apple with your lips, making sure you don't pierce it with your teeth. You pull your head up and push your hair out of your face.

You move out of the way and Michael chooses his Apple. "Enjoy them" venable says, and everyone takes a bit into their apples.

You and Michael somehow make it out if there without being noticed and you go to his office. "Only one thing left to do" he mutters and you nod, understanding what he means.

Ms. Venable and Meade walk into the room then and Michael flashes the wicked smile that made your tummy flutter. "We're the only ones left and now we want to go to the sanctuary" venable says and Michael's smile widens.

"I said I would choose who gets to go" he says, in a seductive tone. "You aren't worthy enough to go to the sanctuary" that was a little harsh, Michael you think, knowing he can hear your thoughts. He rolls his eyes a bit before getting up and walking up to venable.

"None of you are. And now I don't have to choose anyone thanks to you" he finishes, grinning. You were sitting down on the couch in Michael's office watching everything go down. But what happened next, shocked you.

"I don't think so.. ms. Meade?" Venable says and Meade brings out a gun and aims it at Michael. You jump up out of your seat, your eyes wide. "Now" venable says but instead of Meade shooting Michael, you concentrate on the situation and make her turn the gun to point it at venable. Your boyfriend was still smiling as he watched you work your magic.

"What are you doing?" Venable asks and ms. Meade's eyes go wide. Meade fires the gun and ms. Venable clutches her chest before falling to the ground. Meade drops the gun and moves next to the dying lady. She starts crying which is actually sad. "What did I do?" She sobs out, holding venable to her in her arms. "No no no" she cries.

You make your way over to Michael and his smile fades. You grab ahold of his arm and look up at him. "That's my good girl" he whispers in your ear, making your cheeks heat up and turn crimson.

"Meade" Michael says and she looks up at him, her eyeliner dripping down her cheeks. "It's me, Michael" he whispers and her lips part as she remembers. "This is, y/n. Do you remember us?"

She stayed silent for a few moments and then finally, she whispers. "You two are the missing piece in my memories" Michael smiles and nods his head. "You're the antichrist a-and you're his soulmate" she mumbles looking back and forth between you and Michael.

You and Michael look at each other and smile. You guys could finally finish the plan.

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