A Hidden Protector

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"What are you screaming about?"

"No, Scarlett, no. Just no."

Scarlett smiled, trying not to laugh at the young girl's glare. "What ever are you talking about?"

The girl frowned. "She can't just die, Scarlett."

"Why not? Maybe it would be better that way." Something went through Scarlett's eyes right then, and it looked... different. But a moment later, it was gone, and the argument continued.



"Did she die?"

"I'll tell you what, why don't you listen and find out for yourself?"

The girl pouted, and Scarlett laughed. "Fine."

"Okay then."

At this point, Scarlett was tempted to say 'the end', and leave the room, but no. She had already started down this path, she may as well keep going. Besides, she didn't want to make her cry.

"Through this entire time, someone had been watching. He was an outcast, and didn't fit in with the people of this world. He was different, not just in his coloring, but also in that he had an ability that didn't belong to anyone else in the entire world. His name was Gray, and he saw Ruby place the girl into the stream. He panicked, and he ran.

Now, for a normal person, there wouldn't have been enough time. An infant can't hold their breath like you and I can. But Gray was not a normal person, and he could run a lot faster than normal people could. He ran, as fast as he could, to Ruby and the child who now had little chance of survival. He lifted her out of the water and backed away from Ruby, creating distance.

Ruby sat very still for a few seconds- she was in shock. Not only had she been caught, but by an incredibly strange man - who was currently holding her child.

Her child she had tried to drown.

Gray watched Ruby carefully. He still didn't know who she was. All he knew was what he had seen. But then he looked down at the child he now held, and when his eyes registered the shade of her skin, he knew exactly what Ruby had been doing - and worse, he knew exactly why. He instinctively held the child closer, feeling protective. Like her, he had been punished for the color of his skin - and he felt personally injured by the thought that such an innocent creature would be so harshly punished over this.

It was that moment Gray decided he would protect this little girl as best he possibly could.

Ruby stood up and stared, first at him, then at the girl, then at him once more. Gray thought she seemed to be wary of him, but most people tended to be. She stepped forward, and he stepped back.

Ruby shook her head, beginning to panic. He would tell everyone, he would let them all know what she'd done. She had to convince him, or her life was ruined. "Please." she said. "It's too different - you can see that for yourself. This world won't accept it, they won't accept me. Please, you have to understand."

Gray took another step back, seeing the panic grow in her eyes. "What is your name?" he asked her. He kept his voice even, calm, though inside he was growing angry.

"Ruby." she whispered.

"Well, Ruby, I'll have you know that you must be very brave, coming out here in the dark all by yourself." He saw her smile a little at the complement. "And I'll also have you know that it doesn't make up for being completely heartless." he said flatly. "Ruby, you obviously believe that this child does not deserve the life other children are freely given."

Ruby shook her head. "Sir, don't call it that." Her words made Gray pause.

"What?" he asked her. Maybe she has a heart after all, he thought.

Ruby glared at the little girl in his arms. "A child." She looked up to meet his eyes, and he flinched at the growing hatred in her eyes. "That thing is not a child."

The venom in her voice made him tighten his hold on the child, and he felt sick to imagine how anyone could feel that way about someone so innocent. He looked down, at the face of the little girl he held, to see that her eyes were open.

She looked....wise, though she hadn't been in this world for even a whole week. Gray wondered if she understood what was happening, if she would remember it. He smiled down at her, taking the blanket he had picked up and rearranging it around her to make sure she was warm.

"I will keep you safe." he told her. "With every day I have, I will keep you safe."

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