Chapter 1

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    "First day of hell. Let's get this over with." I sat up in my bed and looked around the room. Boxes were stacked everywhere. We've been in this new house for a few weeks, I'm just too lazy to unpack most of my stuff. All I unpacked was my clothes. I picked up my phone off of its charger and walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit. Ripped jeans, black Doc Martens and a black turtleneck. I showered last night so I could sleep in a bit this morning. I yawned as I played my morning playlist and got dressed.

"Jessica, I hope you're up!" I heard my older brother Zeke yell from his room. "Yeah, I'm up!" I shouted back as I pulled my shirt over my head. I double-checked the weather and noticed it was going to be in the low 70's so this was the perfect outfit. I stacked on a few necklaces and went to the bathroom. I heard some yelling coming from Zeke's room so he must have stayed up playing games all night again. I brushed my teeth and ran a comb through my hair. "I hate starting over." I mumbled to myself as I went to my room and grabbed my stuff.

"Alright Zeke, I'm about to head out!" I was heading down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a PopTart. "Alright Drive carefully and watch out for flying chairs." You would think he could have stopped for a bit to see his little sister off to her first day of hell. I shrugged and grabbed my keys before leaving.

Once I got in my car I put in the address on the GPS and started the drive. It wasn't a long drive, maybe 10 minutes. As soon as I found a park my grandmother called me. "Hey Granny. You're up early." I couldn't help but smile. I missed my grandma so much. Since Zeke and I moved out, I haven't talked to her as much as I would like to.

"You know what they always say. The early bird gets the worm. Are you all ready for school?" I nodded my head as if she could see me.

"Yes granny, I'm in the parking lot now. I'll call you after okay. Say a prayer for me." I smiled at the thought of it. I loved the fact that even though I'm not as religious as she would like me to, she still doesn't mind praying for me. It's a bit comforting. "Alright, you know the drill, bow your head and close your eyes..." She started up her prayer and I relaxed against the headrest. About 5 minutes later, we said our goodbyes and I was getting out of the car.

There were a few students gathered around the parking lot. I put on my headphones and tried not to pay attention to most of the people around me. I blended into the crowd of students that walked into the front door. "Sorry." I mumbled as I bumped someone with my bookbag. Luckily for me, the office was one of the first rooms near the entrance. I made my way inside and was greeted by a big lady with a huge smile. "I've seen every face in this school and yours is one I've never ever. You must be the new student." I nodded my head and smiled at the woman.

"Jesse Wright. Nice to meet you." I gripped the straps of my bookbag and looked at her. She started shuffling through papers and handed me a manilla envelope. I opened it up and noticed my schedule, a school map, and some other "new student" documents. I silently thanked her and she started explaining how things work. She decided it was best to show me where my first few classes were. The bell had already rung by the time I got to the first class so It was a bit awkward when I walked in. "Hey Mr. Rochelle, this is your new student." She ushered me inside and I ran my fingers through my hair. She waved me goodbye and closed the door. "Do you want to introduce yourself?" I shrugged and looked at the class, "My name's Jesse." I didn't really know what to say. The teacher just handed me my stuff and told me to find a seat. I found one in the back corner and sat down.

About 15 minutes in 2 guys walked into the class. Mr. Rochelle rolled his eyes as he turned back to write on the board. "Nice of you to finally join us King and Romel. Hurry up and sit down." I looked back down at my notebook and doodled in the corner as I waited for him to finish writing. The girls started whispering to each other as the guys passed them to their seats.

"Looks like we got fresh meat King." I overheard someone say as they sat next to me. I chose not to pay attention to them as I doodled for the remainder of class. 

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