Chapter 3

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          "Why did Sam send me a picture of you with a bloody towel? What happened?" Zeke was yelling in my ear as I was on my way to my last class. I've been feeling tired since the incident. "I'm fine, just took a volleyball to the face. I'll explain more when I get home. "Alright, I'll see you soon, love you." I smiled as I walked up to the door, "Love you too, later." I placed my phone in my pocket and slipped into the room, I grabbed a seat in the back and dug through my bag looking for a snack. I ended up having lunch the period after the nurse checked my nose, so I just fell asleep. I found a granola bar and smiled to myself. Thank God. I opened it up and pinched off a piece when I heard three familiar voices. I cursed to myself as I heard some of the girls around me whisper about them.

         "King looks so fucking good."

     "I heard Romel and Lincoln were caught with some girl behind the bleachers during lunch."

          "Well yeah, they said King and Stacy were in the lounge."

          I really didn't want to hear these conversations but I had nothing else to do. I couldn't just put my headphones on. "Look who's here boys. It's our little fire." My leg was bouncing as the three stooges gathered around my desk. King decided to lean on my desk and look down at me. I leaned back in my chair and my head his Lincoln's torso. I glanced up at him and he winked down at me.

        "Still not gonna say hello?" The one I had to guess is Romel finally spoke up. I rolled my eyes as I went to get a notebook out of my bag. I could hear the whispers around us and feel people staring. Entitled assholes. "Again I say, I don't have to say hello to anyone who doesn't deserve it."Some gasps sounded around the room, and I took a deep breath. Why do these assholes have to bother me? This is exactly why I hate being the new kid.

       "Dude can you get off my desk?" I looked up at the head dickhead and crossed my arms. He said nothing at first and looked me up and down as he raised an eyebrow.

        An awkward silence fell over the room and I glanced around. The girls from earlier were whispering to each other as they stared at me.

        "I think I might sit here for the rest of class. Just promise not to burn me." King turned to face the girls and winked at them. Romel and Lincoln laughed with each other before going to sit behind me. King was deep in conversation with someone as a thought came into my head. I smirked to myself as I slowly moved my chair back a bit and yanked the table from underneath him. He didn't have time to catch himself before his ass slammed against the floor. Usually I would have felt bad, but this time I didn't. My hand quickly flew to my mouth to cover my snicker.

        The room seemed quieter than before as I fixed my desk back into its original position and he got up.

        "Gonna apologize for that?" Lincoln was back behind my chair with his arms crossed over his chest.

        I shrugged my shoulders and crossed my arms back. I noticed a few people recording and the teacher writing on the board. This must happen a lot for her to not even pay attention. "I have nothing to apologize for. How about you tell Head Honcho here to keep his ass off my desk?" I was getting aggravated, but I wasn't going to let them know that. King kicked the kid in front of my from his seat as he sat in it backwards and faced me. 

        "You got a lot of balls to be a new kid." He crossed his arms against the back of the seat as he glared at me.

        "The Cajones of a fucking bull." I was quick with my comebacks. Laughs erupted from all around the room as Romel forced everyone to shut up.

        I don't know why these three are still here bothering me. I don't think they realize I won't back down. He looked at me closely as he moved in closer. I entertained this and leaned in as I placed my arms on my table.

         "See something you like? You sure like to stare." I slowly licked my lips and he looked from them to my eyes. I knew it. I propped my chin on my palm as my head tilted to the side. "At a loss for words I see. Fire burn your tongue?" He growled a bit and I couldn't help but laugh in his face. "If you don't mind, I'd like to get back to actually learning." I winked at him and sat back in my seat as I started to copy the notes off the board. He muttered something under his breath but I didn't pay him any attention.

        Class passed by quickly after that. Thank God the day was almost over. One more class and if I remember correctly, it's just study hall. I packed my bag up and left the room. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I headed over to my locker to drop off some stuff. I felt a presence behind me and sighed before closing it and turning around. "Yes sir?" I thought it was King and his posse but it was some girls. I haven't seen them but they looked pissed. "Can I help you?" I tossed my bag on my shoulder and looked at the girl front and center. She was kinda pretty. Long ginger hair, freckles and Brownish eyes.

        "You must be the new girl." Her voice had an attitude to it and I really don't feel like dealing with it at this moment.

        "Yeah sorry, I don't do autographs.Bye." I slipped between them and started heading to the library. I heard her following behind me.

        "Stay away from King is all I'm going to say to you. I don't want it to get ugly for you." I almost stopped in my tracks. It's not worth it Jess. Just keep going. I gave her a small wave over my shoulder as I kept walking. Who even is she?

        I walked in the library and noticed only a few students. I guess the majority of them only come to get attendance taken and leave. I looked around to see where the sign in would be when I noticed Mr. Taylor. I walked over to him and signed my name on the sign in sheet. "Ahh Jessica, how's the first day going?" He flashed me a small smile as he leaned his chin on his hand and looked at me.

        "Not too bad, can't complain too much." Obviously a lie.

        He looked at me and tilted his head. "So you didn't take a volleyball to the face today?" I nodded my head. Of course he knew.

        "Oh yeah, well other than that I can't complain." A small blush crept up my face as I touched my nose. "I can still smell the hint of the expensive cologne you have on."

        He laughed a bit. "As long as you're okay. Go have a seat." He waved me goodbye and I went to find a seat but ended up finding a bunch of bean bags near the windows. I grabbed my phone out my pocket as I sat down on one and looked out the window. The bag was much shorter than the window but I did get a glance at the basketball court outside before sitting down. I put on my headphones and closed my eyes as I waited for class to pass by. 

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