Chapter 5

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After walking Franki back to her door with Maza, Diana had returned to Ally's house to help her and Jodi wash up the dishes and discuss their afternoon with their new acquaintances. Diana was furiously teased, once again, for her blatant crush on Franki but Ally conceded that her genuine concern for the other girls' well being was 'all kinds of adorable.' Jodi took no time filling Diana in on their brief discussion with Maza regarding Franki's indeterminate sexual orientation and informed her that she would be making it her mission to fervently gather evidence and verify it immediately, one way or another.

Jodi was apparently so invested in setting the two of them up, that she even told Diana that she would gladly dedicate every waking moment of her life from now on until that end was met. Diana had laughed at Jodi's enthusiasm but had informed both her and Ally that, as strongly as she felt for Franki, she would happily settle for being her friend for the time being and even the foreseeable future as long as it meant that she could somehow be a part of her life. Ally and Jodi had shared matching tender looks in reaction to Diana's words, both truly surprised by how sincere and innocent she was with her intent towards Franki.

"She's been through a lot," Diana had informed them, articulating her words easily. "The last thing she is probably thinking about right now is who she wants to date. She has so many other more important concerns to worry about." Diana paused for a moment to pick up a plate from the rack beside Ally's sink and wipe it dry with the cloth in her hands.

"I couldn't even begin to fathom how hard the school year is going to be for her," Diana continued as she handed the plate to Jodi who put it away in the cupboard.

"I don't know how I'd manage at school if I couldn't read or write properly. She's going to be so busy just keeping up with assignments and school work that she probably won't even have time to date someone." Ally handed Diana another plate to dry as she continued.

"I just want to be there to help her as much as I can." Diana told them honestly.

"If I can make her life just a little bit easier, even if it can't be as anything more than a friend then I can live with that. Just seeing the smile on Franki's face would be worth it.

Just knowing that she was happy, that her day wasn't quite as bad because of me would be enough for me." Ally reached her hands up to Diana's face and squeezed her cheeks gently, her wet hands leaving suds from the sink in their wake.

"You are too cute," Ally said, returning to the task at hand as Diana wiped at her face with the cloth she was holding. "I feel the same way actually," she continued, picking up a bowl and wiping it clean. "It's almost impossible not to like Franki, Maza as well, once you start talking to them."

"You want to date Franki too?" Jodi teased playfully.

"No," Ally laughed. "That I want to help her out as well if I can. I really hope the five of us can become good friends. I really enjoyed having them both over this afternoon. It felt really easy, like we've known them forever and they've always been a part of our group."

"It really did," Jodi agreed putting away some cutlery in the draw behind her. "It kind of surprises me that we've never really hang out with them before today."

"Well," Diana said, drying the last of the dishes and handed it to Jodi who dealt with it accordingly.

"We'll just have to make sure that it's not just a one off occurrence then." Ally and Jodi agreed as the three of them vacated the kitchen and ventured into the hallway. It was starting to get late and with school tomorrow, Jodi and Diana had decided it was probably time to head home. The three of them had said their goodbyes, Diana dropping Jodi off at home before finally finding her way into her own bed, her favourite shorts and t-shirt pajamas set hugging her body comfortably beneath her duvet.

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