Chapter 8

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"gh," Diana groaned as she dropped down into the empty seat beside Franki in Monday's homeroom. It had been four days since the girls' had gathered at Franki's house for their regular Wednesday night movie marathon. Four days and yet Diana still could not rid her thoughts of the conversation that had transpired between them all.

Most prominently featured in her mind were Franki's words, "I'd love to know someone liked me." Was there ever a more perfect opportunity for Diana to admit her feelings for Franki? Diana didn't think so. In fact, she'd lived in a constant state of regret since that night, visions of fictitious scenarios and responses, all favourable, formulating in her head.

It didn't help that Franki, who remained almost completely unaware of Diana's ever

increasing crush on her, managed to rub salt in the constantly growing wound by

unintentionally being an infuriating paradox of adorable and sexy all at the same time.

Every day Diana would find herself learning something new about Franki and she soaked the information up eagerly like a sponge. She wanted to know everything there was to know about this girl who, only a couple of months ago she'd never even spoken to, but, now, she couldn't fathom her life without.

"Ugh, back at you," Maza replied jokingly. She was sat at the desk in front of Franki, Ally beside her, in front of the seat Diana now occupied, and had looked up at hearing her somewhat dramatic entrance.

"What's wrong?" Ally asked.

"I'm just over today already," Diana moaned resting both arms on her desk and leaning

down to place her head on top of them.

"Why?" Ally asked. "What happened?"

"Well firstly," Diana said, turning her head slightly to look at the girl in front of her. "I woke up late and had to skip breakfast so I'm starving and then I get accosted in the corridor by Jessica Marasigan."

"Jess? Your not so out of the closet ex-girlfriend?" Ally asked surprised.

"The one and only," Diana said sitting back up and sighing heavily. It was only then that she noticed that Franki, her nose buried in a copy of Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird' was silently holding out a granola bar across the gap in the desks.

"Thanks," Diana said taking the snack gratefully and opening it up. Franki didn't answer, her attention focused intently on the book in her hands and Diana frowned slightly before turning back towards Ally and Maza as the latter girl asked teasingly,

"Did she push you up against the lockers?" "What? No," Diana replied. "She asked me out on a date."

"So?" Ally asked. "What's the problem? I thought you only broke up with her because she wasn't ready to come out?"

"Yes," Diana admitted, "but that was then, you know, before...." Diana flitted her gaze

towards Franki who remained enthralled in her book. She was biting her bottom lip in

concentration and her brow was furrowed.

"So you're going to pass on an actual relationship for a nonexistent one?" Ally asked her. "Diana..."

"Don't Diana me," she remarked, leaning back in her chair a little so that it was resting

precariously on its back legs. "I don't feel that way about her any more. I haven't even

thought about Jessica at all since, well, you know." Ally glanced at Franki quickly before

returning her attention to Diana.

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