Part 3

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It has been a week since Mukundh has come home. Appa was there with him always and his brother Rama was there with them as if he was guarding them. I didn't understood anything. I just did as appa asked me to do. To take care of Mukundh and i did as i was instructed. Rama would help appa finding the medicine and everything around them seems fear. I would not speak with them but and would run away from them as far as i can. They were really terrorizing yet i would have to treat him no other choice. 

A sudden growl made me snap myself from my thoughts. Bagwan...his piercing eyes were shot on me and i who was bandaging his wound did not dare to see him. Must have tightened the knot. 

He growled a stop making me jump in fear. I saw his face which were covered with sweat. He is having some complications for breathing. I was about to stand but he held my arm and made me look at him. "Dare you treat me.." he grinned between his teeth. This guy really. I nodded my head but did as i was instructed by appa that i have to change the medicine of the wound. 

He was all the time growling , irritated and even at times was shouting at me. This was it. I cannot take any more. With extra amount of turmeric i tied his bandage a bit harder. He snapped his head to me and i gave a small smile a tight one. I was waiting for his reaction and thanks to the almighty he started to yell in pain or burning sensation to be clear. 

As appa and Rama were out for some work i was with this so called i am strong person who can't even get up from his sheet. He stared to wince but did not make a sound much. Then i knew he couldn't take much. He started to yell and i did not care, it is good for the cut wounds yet bit burning so it won't hurt him yet would hurt him.

"What did you do ??" he yelled at me while i was cutting vegetables for lunch. He was asking the same until he couldn't take more. "Please make this stop." he finally confessed. I hummed and walked to him and removed the bandage slowly and he stopped stirring. "Just remember , i am here to treat you, just to treat you, so behave properly. If you are going to yell at me like this again then next time the burning would be more and trust me i don't mind doing that." I cleaned the wounds again with the new set of medicine and I walked away but i could sense my entire body was on fire just because of his eyes were on me. I didn't care. I was just doing my chores. Time and now i would check on him and Mukundh was sleeping while i was sweeping the floor before lighting up the diya for the evening. Suddenly appa and Rama came inside and i did not dare to look up towards Rama. When i was about to step the other side he blocked my way. I tried to go the other way but he blocked me. I was scared and i didn't know why but i was about to tear up. So scared. 

"Thank you..." came a whisper. The hand which i held tightly on my skirt was released and i slowly looked up to the stormy brown orbs. They were honey brown but the fire in them were not gone unnoticed and i did not had the guts to even blink. I stood there and slowly very slowly i found a small tug in his lips. I gasped. This person can smile. I blinked. 

"Thank you for taking care of him. He means a lot to me. Thank you so much Vaidharbhi." he said and caressed my head. I was still blinking. He cares so much for Mukundh while that person is nothing but a stubborn pot. Walking into the room he closed the door. My mouth was wide open. I just walked to my kitchen to prepare food for us. 

Dhushanth / Rama ...

This little girl was full of life. When ever i see her i remember my deceased sister. A little girl just like her, my little flower was always full of life but never dared to look at me. The girl who was been brutally robbed by the enemy army and was been thrown into the fire. Her screams were still ringing in my ears. I couldn't save her as i was ordered to protect the prince who is now in safe hands. Wiping my tears i walked into the room which was given for us. Once he becomes alright i would start to build the army to avenge what they have taken. Give them back with interest which my father was really good at. Even though we were cousins my father and Maharaj was always best friends something runs in our vein for generations. They ruling and we guiding. I was the next to be as senathipathi and here my prince to crown as KING.

I would do that at the cost of my own life. 

He means a lot to me and now the little girl. Once we are gone her life would not be the same. Some may call them traitor while some may praise them. This family needs to be protected and i won't fail this time. Walking to him i caressed his head. He stirred and opened his eyes. His eyes were blood shot red. I didn't know what has happened but something has bothered him.

"What ??" i asked him. He was breathing furiously. "This little lady in this house thinks she is the queen of the country. She made me burn with her medicines." He complained showing his wounds. I suppressed my laugh and i tried hard to keep straight face. Even though he was tough outside this guy still have his child inside him. Same happened when we were playing in the garden in the palace. He was been pushed by me while we were playing and the entire kingdom knew that as he was been pushed because he would point at the place where he was hurt and cry to them the entire situation until they console him. He was handful and i was always enjoy making him tease and see his nose turn red.

Chuckling i caressed his head. Wish nothing has happened in our kingdom. Wish we were as innocent as kids. But no nothing seems to make anything possible. The only survivors were us. I felt the pain in my heart when i thought of my siblings were killed. 

Sighing i placed my head on his lap. The only person who is there with me as a family. Vaidharbhi's voice made me come back to reality. Walking out i found her staring at him with anger and when i turned i saw him staring at her without even blinking. Anger was evident in both of them and they both hated each other. I cleared the throat and she jerked come back to sense and saw me and immediately bend her head down. 

"Food is ready" she mumbled. I chuckled. "Did he bother you ??" i whispered her making her head nod in no immediately. My sweet little flower. "If he bothers you do the same thing you did today. He is sometime a head ache" i whispered her again and i found her cheeks build up and i know she was trying hard not to smile. She just nodded and looked up to me. I smiled at her and walked behind her and i turned to see what just happened look on Abhayankara. Smiling i walked to eat after which i need to give him some food so that he would never be as grumpy as he was now.


Tadaaa... Here i am with the next chapter. So say me how it is. Rama is a good person but tough outside. Lot more to come. 

Until next week, 

Your love...


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