Part 4

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I have no right on the pictures i post. But this is something i got inspired for me to think as Vaidharbhi. I love this little girl. Hope you guys like this too...


Few weeks have passed. I can walk myself and could do work for myself. Dhushyanth was really happy to see me in single piece. We started to live in a separate house or hut to the fact. I miss my palace bed, i miss my mother i miss my father and of all i miss my little sister and our cousins. It was a hard reality something striking my heart hard. Gulping my pain i sat near the front door. 

There came Vaidharbhi. She was too innocent for her own good but i know how much she is not. A lamb skinned fox. I saw her with anger and she saw me as if i was never mattered but still there she was shivering in fear. I smirked. She is scared of me but not showing out as if i am never a matter of fact to her. I smirked. She hates me and i am so happy that the feeling was mutual. I hate her very existence. The day when i gather the army first thing is to punish her for putting too much of medicine in my wound. I still winced thinking of the burning sensation. 

She made me burn now let me make her cool. I knew she was going to draw the water from the river. Her daily routine. She would wake up way more early in the morning. Taking shower and doing her morning pooja she would walk out to draw water to the house for cooking while her father would help her for the other stuffs. Then in the evening she would come out for placing the lamp in the front arena of her hut.

She merely comes out. If she does it was only twice the day and with that we can even guess the time of the day. Now she is going to draw water and i am just walking few feet away from her. She would time and now turn to see who was coming behind her but i hid myself safely from her view. When she finally thought she had no one around she started to bend towards the river to draw the water.

Smirking at that i pushed her inside the river. Her screams were tearing the air but no one came to help her. Laughing at her i saw her with pure anger.

"Never mess with me..." i literally growled and walked away from her plead to take her out of the river. Who cares. She messed with me and now i am forever happy for the revenge i got. Those teary eyes were so soothing for me. I walked back to the village and Rama was there cutting the wood for the purpose of cooking. Smiling at me when he found a proud smirk he walked to me and hugged me tight. 

"It's so good to see you smile, the way you would do." He smiled at me. I know he cares me as if i am his son and i also know he would put himself to protect me. My happiness was short lived when i was suddenly been drenched with cold water. Spinning i found Vaidharbhi who was still dripping wet. Her eyes were burning rage and for the first time my heart wished to melt in those fire. 

Looking at her i saw her with pure rage still. 

"Whatever you sow you reap." with that she pushed the vessel in my hand and ordered me "now go draw the water from the river. This is the punishment for pushing me in the river."  Dhushyanth yelled a big what making me startled in surprise. He is taking her side. What is happening ??

"Did you do that Ab.. i mean mukundh ??" he asked me and i gave the maximum pout i can give and nodded negative. She immediately nodded her head in a positive way. This girl really. 

"Im sorry Vaidharbhi..." Dhushyanth confessed. I did not say that. I am so not saying that. She nodded her head and even in the drenched form i could see her tears. I felt sorry for the first time and she walked away or limped slightly to her house. 

Did she got hurt in her legs ?? i thought. 

"Why did you do that ??" he asked me now irritated. I was even more irritated now. 

"She made me burn by putting too much of medicine you saw that." i reasoned him. How can he take her side. She is so going to pay now. "Stop being a kid Abhayankara... You are the future king. You should need to know what is right or wrong not this..." he pointed towards her side. For the first time i felt it was not required but i was still satisfied with the pushing part though. I took my revenge. "Now draw the water for her and no more those pleading looks work on me Abhayankara. Now go.." his voice made it clear there is no place for arguments. When i turned i saw her dressed in a different half saree and her hair was been covered with a neat towel. 

"This does not end here." i growled. She raised her eye brows up and walked back and shut her door. No slammed her door. I was about to step towards her but a throat clearing made me halt. Sighing big i walked towards the river but not before hearing a click of tongue. 

"She is paying and that's final."

"Act matured Mukundh..." came stern voice of Dhushyanth or should i call him Rama. I was beyond irritated. " I will once she vanishes from my eye site. I just cant stand to see her." i literally growled. "Don't forget she was the one who helped you to live your life. She was the one who took care of her while you were not even in a position to even move your little finger. So even if not for her at least for gratitude of what she has done respect her. If not for her for her father who is the only known person we have in this world." His words punctured my heart hard. True i cannot act like a boy who is free to do anything he wants. I have a kingdom to take care of. What was i even doing ?? Damn i was been carried away by these stupid lunatic idiotic characters which i should not have now. 

I have responsibility to take care of and i would never fail my family. I just walked away from him but pulling the brass pot in my hand. Return to the village was so silent. But the screams of my family was quite audible now. I closed my eyes and few tears rolled my cheeks. I just wished i was for the once happy with my family for one time. I just placed the water in her kitchen and when i was about to step out of the house i saw her sitting near the tulasi plant which was behind her house. She just held a scroll and was looking at that. In that there was an old writing of a single word "maatha" her mother. It does not have any picture in it just that single word her amma. 

Without disturbing her chain of thoughts i walked away. I just need to avoid her so that i can work for myself and start to gather the army i was intended to and avenge for my family who took everything from me. 


Tadaa.. i am back Sorry for making this much time. So how was it ?? Did you like it ??

So say me your views...

Until next update...

Your Love...


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