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It is a whirlpool

It sucks you into a darkness

It tears you apart

It makes you feel as though you are a hideous monster

It makes you think that you don't deserve to live

It can not be seen or touched

It can not be heard nor spoken to

It is something that lives in our minds since the day we are born

It grows and develops as we get older

It weakens us and controls us

It is an inevitable darkness that surrounds us

It can not be stopped nor avoided

It hides in the shadows of our minds

It sees us as sheep to be eaten by it

It rips out our intestines and strings them out across the floor

It is the unholy darkness that ruins us

It forces us to live in our own personnal Hell

It will never leave us alone

It will always come back and tear at our flesh

It stalks us

It waits for the perfect moment to take over

Depression is a whirlpool

Exposed: A Poetry BookWhere stories live. Discover now