The War Inside

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All of this

Is done on the inside

None of us

Not a single person

Truly has a voice

We all think

Because we know

That if we speak

Nobody will listen

We are all trapped

In twisted minds

That want us

To kill ourselves

Trapped in tornadoes

That rip us apart

From the inside

Trapped inside ourselves

Wanting to break free

Wanting to be heard

Wanting to be noticed

Even if we try our best

To get out of our Hell

We will still be trapped

We will all perish

From our own thoughts

Our own actions

From everything

We can never be free

Of this agony

Of this pain

Of this torture

That we put ourselves through

The reason that our minds

Want us to die

Is to keep us

To save us

From the damage

That we inflict

Upon ourselves

Exposed: A Poetry BookWhere stories live. Discover now