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What if everything is fake?

What if your dreaming but dreaming dreams that are more realistic then when your asleep, sounds crazy .

what if your already in heaven? Whats after life?

Humans make things happen and maybe seem so and people have doubts but thats alright ,  GOD is real for the proof of just one human being , how are humans made so perfectly they can  hear and taste and touch , love and see . but have you ever wondered your not looking at what is really there? I have , life has so many questions unanswered

That really interests you theres alot more things to life then what you just set it as to be , life is a mystery .

People usually forget about this , does it amaze you how humanity just poofed into this earth?  Most people stay quiet about it cause they have it all answered by religion. Even though what religions say isnt it still amazing? You dont really know if what religions say are true untill death as I said its okay for doubts . Isnt it wonderful An earth made so perfectly set just for life , for humanity and creatures leaving many questions ..questions make things more interesting but when you have the answer people forget about the amazement .  Its fantastic and amazing .  unanswered questions can change your view of things or makes you wonder about everything . We all have blessings  , rich blessings and poor and some have blessings just to be standing on earth but you know  some people have to make there own blessing by working hard to get a good life but others are born into richness . God blessed everyone by bringing them here but those who arnt born with richness need to make it happen need to build there life into richness.

I have doubts but I believe GOD.

suicide is awful and regretful . I believe its okay to fear but dont let  fear destroy you . People have extreme pressure on there lifes to the point they dont care anymore and to where they give up . But miracles happen just like how we all appeared to life . Life is full of ups and downs but people let downs destroy them suicide is from downs and is led to hell , or you can enjoy those ups and let it motivate you to keep swimming and actually go to heaven when your times up but as long as you havent did anything really bad. Its worth spending a life to go to heaven then to do suicide to end up in hell. After rain theres a rainbow.

  Dont you think your downs here on earth is already hell? Do people do suicide to want more of hell? There's no reason to do suicide its not worth it believing in GOD or not its not worth it , people need to make the best out of life, even if questions are unanswered .

GOD gave you life so live it before its over dont let depression or fear destroy whats really worth it in the end, suicide isnt the answer for anything .

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