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"hi, y/n. It's great to see you."

It was a wonderful day. I was strolling around when I saw a coffee shop. I decided to get inside. I went inside, the coffee shop's door was wide open as the staff cleaning its door and I greet her. The smell of coffee lingers around the shop and it looks nice. It's a newly open coffee shop. It's been a year since I last visited a coffee shop and it was with you.

I fell in line but something caught my attention. That scent. I look at my back and saw 3 people, but it seems like they didn't own the scent. The scent suddenly disappear. I looked back in front of me, I'm at the second spot before the counter. The scent came back but now, it was a strong one than the other one before. I saw the lady in front of me. She has long brown hair, wearing a red sweater. She got her order and its a frappucino. Frappuccino. I remember her. She loves frappuccino. She always ordering frappucino every time we go to a coffee shop. I remember. She doesn't like any other coffees, neither try others on the menu. I remember her. I ordered blueberry cheesecake before. She said that she didn't like it because she didn't like blueberry, even she haven't try to eat it once before. I keep on telling her to try it just once, just a bit. She tried and she started to love it. Every time we go to any coffee shops, she always begs me to treat her a blueberry cheesecake. I remember her. I remember how she cutely act begging for a piece of cheesecake. She's cute. She's funny. She's lovely. Everything about her is everything. I started to remember her. The lady straightly went to the table beside the window. The way she walks, her side-viewed face, the scent, I can't believe it. It's you. It's really you.

Little do you know, as I got my order, I decided to sit to the other side of your table. I'm beside the window too. When I look at my left, it's the view of the city roads. When I look at my right, it is you. My eyes landed directly to you. And I conclude that both views are beautiful. Every sip I take, I can't stop looking at you. I guess you already owned my eyes. I compare you to a cherry blossom. You look prettier each day. I remember you cut your hair because you feel cute that day. But today, it's pretty long. it's pretty long then. our last meet. our last greet. our last of everything. I saw you keep yourself scrolling at your phone. I didn't notice that I'm staring at you. I feel I'm started to fall in love again. at the same person. at you. I want to stand up, walk towards you but it seems like I don't feel my feet to move. I feel numb. I want to talk to you but I can't. I can't easily do that. A few minutes later, your eyes landed on a couple. They sat one table away from you. I saw you keep on smiling at them. I don't know why. I look at the couple. it reminds me of ours. they eat the same order we used to. I looked back at you, fixing your things. You called someone on your phone. You grabbed your things up and rashly went outside. And little do you know, I felt uneasy while seeing you slowly vanishing to my vision. I felt afraid again. I don't know why. It was a sunny day and a cold breeze started to blow around. And with that,

I guess you are happy with someone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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