Welcome to your new sanctuary

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Damian smiled at Kurt as the latter was taking Pavoratti's cage. He had grown quite fond of the countertenor. Over the past few weeks after Kurt's failed attempt at spying on the Warblers, Damian had grown close to him. He'd known from the moment Kurt admitted to not actually having the intention to spy that the boy was dealing with something unimaginably miserable.
So over the past few weeks, Damian had stuck by Kurt; texting and calling him, taking him shopping, eating out and Damian even had the liberty of meeting some of Kurt's friends from ND, which also turned out really confusing for Kurt when Damian practically jumped on Santana and Brittany. Damian had to explain later on that they'd actually met and befriended each other a few years ago at a cheerleading collaboration between McKinley and Dalton. Though that didn't make Kurt much less bewildered.
'I know a few other Warblers too, but it's mainly Shortstack here and Wes.' Santana said with her usual resting bitch face.
'I love you too Satan- I mean Santana.'
Damian said with a lopsided grin.
Back to now.
Damian honestly still felt incredibly heartbroken on behalf of Kurt. What happened to this boy at McKinley was (in Damian's opinion although this opinion is sure to come to people as common sense in due time) unforgivable. No one deserved to be treated like that. Damian wouldn't wish that upon his worst enemy.
So he did everything in his power to try and convince Kurt to transfer to Dalton but every time, Kurt always declined. Saying that he doesn't want to leave his friends behind and his newly wedded parents.
Damian understood this quite well as he had the liberty of attending Mr. Hummel and Mrs. Hudson's wedding and had been quite impressed at the decor considering the fact that Kurt had planned the whole thing on his own.
Even after all the bullying at McKinley, Kurt never succumbed to the relentless torture and Damian admired him greatly for that.
Damian had taught Kurt the roots of Dalton. Well, not exactly. He told him that there were many traditions practiced here and one of the many traditions when it comes to the Warblers was being given a canary. Dalton prides itself around the idea of birds. Damian would know, being a cheer-captain of a squad at Dalton called the Nightingales. Even the newspaper(more like latest gossip) group of Dalton were given the title of Mockingbirds which they are quite proud of.
So when Kurt asked about what he should expect whilst being a Warbler, Damian looked him dead in the eyes and said,
'Whatever you do, don't make fun of the bird. You have a great sense of humour but that kind of humour regarding something Dalton prides itself upon would be seen more as disrespect than just a source of laughter. Trust me, that's all you need to know.' Damian smiled and put a reassuring hand on Kurt's shoulder.
And here Damian is now, smiling at Kurt's gleeful face when he's told he can audition for a solo alongside Nick,Jeff, and himself.
Later that week, Damian made sure to keep his cool even after the previous night's conversation.
'Do not tell anyone, understood?' Kurt said in a hushed voice.
Damian simply squealed,'Omg, you're in love! Where do you want me to plan the wedding?'
'Alright. That's it. Out of my dorm this instant.'
'Ok ok ok! At least tell me who it is!'
Which led Damian to sit at lunch and observe Blaine quizzically.
Why would Kurt like Blaine of all the other guys? I thought he was different from the others.
Damian settled on the thought that it was probably just a phase and would pass by within a week or two.
And true to his words, not a week and a half later did the Warblers find themselves in a bit of a dispute when Blaine proposed they do a song off-campus to serenade a guy he met.
While the rest of the Warblers started to voice everything they had against the idea, Damian and Kurt looked at each other in both confusion and worry.
Both of them knew about the assistant manager at the GAP store when Blaine had hijacked their little get together with Jeff and Trent a few nights ago.
Kurt had looked crestfallen but was still stable enough to interrogate Blaine about this said assistant manager.
What Blaine had told them not only disappointed them, but also raised some red flags about this guy.
During the weekend, Damian and Kurt,flanked by a couple other Warblers who were bored to the point of offering to carry their shopping bags for them on their trip to the mall, had decided to pay this 'Jeremiah' guy a visit.
What greeted Damian may have actually made him want to puke right there. What started out like, 'oh ok a nice cute blonde guy' turned into a 'this is so many levels of not-okay that it would give me a headache just thinking about it' in a matter of like ten minutes of taking to this guy.
So this has easily brought Damian and Kurt (along with the few other Warblers who stood witness to this encounter) to plan an intervention in advance.
Back to now.
Even amongst all this chaos, Wes' gavel never seemed to have failed him.
'May I please say something?' Kurt said softly as he raised his hand. Wes pointed his gavel to him. Kurt stood up and walked to the near centre of the room. Damian could see how much it pained him to even sit in the same room as Blaine, let alone talk about his plan to serenade his new found love, but Kurt still held his ground.
'With respect, I believe it is in the Warbler's best interests to grow as a show choir. We're performers! We're bound to get some form of criticism. And besides, singing in public could actually help broaden our views and we'd even gain confidence through it.'
Kurt seemed to have been really persuasive because many of the Warblers looked convinced.
Kurt then looked towards Damian who's face looked as though someone just kicked him in the shin.

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