DNA neither cares nor knows

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(Sebastian's P.O.V.)
"You can't take her away from me" I growled pushing Phoenix protectivly behind me. The police officer sighed and looked down at the ground. "Listen Mr Stan" he said stepping towards me. "Either you give Phoenix to her mother or I suggest you call your lawyer" he explained. I looked towards Katniss. "You bet I'm gonna call my lawyer" I snapped at her. She just rolled her eyes. The officer nodded. "You're allowed to keep Phoenix with you untill the trails" he said and gave Phoenix a soft smile.

I was sitting on the couch with Phoenix tightly holding onto me. She was crying. I softly rubbed circles on her back. I saw Evans walk into and stop as he saw the scene. He showed sorrow and hurtfull eyes.

(Chris Evans P.O.V.)
Sebastian looked so torn about the whole thing. I could read his body language, he is so scared of loosing her. I had noticed when she was at that family's house that he was starting to get depressed. He was drinking and didn't show up to work. Once he got her in his arms, I could see a spark light up again. The spark in a fathers eyes. But when the police told him that Phoenix needs to go back to her mother, he lost the spark again. He looked at me, when Phoenix had cried herself to sleep. He walked upstairs and put her to bed. When he came down and sat down next to me. He sighed and rubbed his hands over his face and hair. He looked at me and I saw clearly he was crying. "I can't do this anymore" he started, with a quivering and breaking voice. I listened to him further. "I'm broken, I can't breath, I can't think, I can't function and I have no idea how to fix it. What I know is that she makes me happier. She makes me feel alive. I can't lose her, Chris. Because I'm afraid of the thing I might do to myself". I kept listening to him. "I think I just have to let her go. And that is so hard to do. Because a part of me will be in love with her for the rest of my life. But they are right, I can't keep her away from her family and-". "YOU ARE HER FAMILY!" I yelled at him. He looked at me with confused eyes. "DNA just says you are related, nothing more. It's the heart that makes you family. Your part of my family as well" I said to him. "I'm done with this attitude. You show Phoenix that you are her father. Not some lady who suddenly shows up and says she is Phoenix's mother. She might be, but I don't care. Now get your ass out this chair and call that lawyer" I ordered him. A smile appeared on his face while the red puffy eyes remained. "Thank you" he softly spoke standing up and hugging me. "Now pick up that phone" I said pointing to his phone that was on the table. I walked upstairs to Phoenix and stayed in the doorframe. Watching her. She's my niece and I'll protect her. Even from you.

Published: 13 September 2019

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