The Entry~

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        I'm bored in flex class, so I thought I'd write a story! :D It's in second person, so you're going to be the person expirencing the life of Ouran Acadamy! It's going to be based on Haruhi's perspective, so I'll follow most of the big things that happened to her, but I might switch-a-roo oe add some things. c: I'm human, so there may be some grammatical or spelling errors, sooo.... FORGIVE ME SENPAI!1!!!1!1lawl. I also will be occasionally adding emojis, so don't really mind them. 

        Hope you enjoy! :3

~Getting ready for school~

        You stand in front of your mirror looking at yourself and sigh. "Mom said to do my best in my studies, and Dad said this school change is going to help." You look at the picture of you and your mom together with you're long chocolate colored hair and pretty purple dress, and then at your shaggy brown hair with your total loser get up. "I'm not going to try to impress those rich snobs when it'll never work, (-.-')" you growled at yourself in the mirror.

        "-Your Name-! Time to go to school!," your dad yelled back the hall. 

        "Okay!" You said, coming out meaner than planned. 

        You walked out of the room and let your dad kiss you on the head. You mumbled a good-bye and walked out the door.

        It's a 10 minute walk for your house to Ouran, so you only leave 20 minutes early. THAT, was a mistake

~Arriving at Ouran~

        It's five minutes to the first bell and you're completely lost. You run like a mainiac trying to find your Honors Calculus class, asking people where it is but they all ignore you because of your clothes and not-richness.

~End of the Day~

        You sigh as you carry a Calculus, Literature, Biology, and a World History book around the halls, trying to find a study room. 

        "Good God. My first day and I two Chapter tests tomorrow," you say as you come upon music room three. "I guess I'll try here."

        You crack open the door slowly and look inside. 

        "Why, hello there," a tall guy with glasses and a notebook says.

        A blonde guy with the perfect shade of purple turns to look at me. "Who might you be?"

        You stare at him blankly.

        "Well?" he questioned.

        "Oh, I, uh, I'm (your cool Japanese name here)."

        "Nice to meet you," three or four of them say. You couldn't figure out which one, though.

        "I really need to be going. I need to find somewhere to stu-"

        "Wait, you go to school here?" the twins say simultaneously. 

        "Uh, yeah." (-.-')

        "It's the scholaship student from the public school right outside of Ouran Acadamy."

        You all stare blankly at him.

        He pushes up his glasses "I have my resources."

        The blonde one goes to speak but you cut him off. "I'm going to be going no- Ahhh!" You say as your turning around to leave and a vase falls off it's stand. you dive for it, but it's no use. It shatters.

        (*O*) They all look at you in disbelif. 

        You say "I'm sorry over and over again, but it never comes out. 

        "That was a 8 million yen vase," the tall one says, more calm then you expected.

        (O-O) "8 MILLION YEN?!" you say histerically. "I don't have 8 million yen!"

        "Oh, well, that's quite a problem." He says with a stupid smile.

        "Is there any, way I could pay it off?" you say, hoping that there is.

        They all look at you and think, but you have not clue what.

        ((By the way, you're the same as haruhi in that you're a female and you appear to be male))

        The twins walk over to you and examine you. "Hmmm..." The both say. They take off your glasses. "Hey, boss. Look. He doesn't look half bad without his glasses."

Dun... Dun... DUUUNNNNNN!! 

Alrighty, so I'll end it here and then start making chapter two next! =(^-^)=

Hope you enjoyed!

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