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I sat there, looking out the window. The rest of the children we're running around, having fun as always.
I am the caretaker of these children, well, it's not my fault that the caretakers can't take care of these children. I'm only about a year or two older than them, some are above my age but they're not very mature unlike me. Now... I'm no ordinary caretaker, I was secretly an assassin. Nobody knows about my secret, and the reason why I don't want to tell anyone is because they might ban me from the orphanage. Well...they shouldn't ban a kid who doesn't have a family. The only reason why I'm an assassin is for the money. Sure..killing people is very wrong, but I need the money for the orphanage. These lousy caretakers don't know how to keep this place up nor take care of the kids. Anywho, I'm more of the "mom" that's here, some of the kids consider me as a mom. I'm not surprised though.

I kept looking out the window. I can't help but have this feeling of loneliness. Sure, I have all of these kids with me but.. I'm just not feeling these so called "feelings" I feel like I need someone here who will spend some time with me, someone who will understand me, someone who I can trust, someone who would-
"Ms. Harukawa! Ms. Harukawa! There's a new person coming!" A small child comes and starts to tug on my shirt while another one came and pulled my hand, leading me towards the door. I've got to admit, I was pretty excited on getting a new child.
"Maybe this will be my 'friend'" I quietly mumbled. We all waited, feeling very excited as a young boy, about my age, walking in with a big smile on his face.
All the children ran up to him, jumping up and down, tugging onto his arms, wanting to take him to places. I just stood there, and kept looking at him. His dark purple hair slightly stood up, his light purple eyes sparkled with happiness. He wore a dark hoodie, mostly a mixture of blue and purple, his pants were a blackish purplish color, and his shoes looked like the galaxy.
"Huh?" I said; he turns around and looks at me, having a big smile on his face.
"Hey!" He managed to get through the kids and headed towards me, holding out his hand. "I'm Kai! Nice to meet you!"
I hesitated for a bit, but held out mine and shook his, "Maki.. Maki Harukawa."
Kai laughs and held out hands up, "I like ya! Wanna be friends?"
I had a small blush on my face, I'm not sure why, and did a small nod. "You don't have to keep holding my hand."
"Oh yeah-! Sorry-!" He quickly let's go of my hand, "So what do you wanna do?"
"Me? Why are you asking..me?"
"Well, you seem to be that type of person who has a lot of fun ideas!"
For some reason, i slightly blushed and slightly nodded, "I'm not..I'm not like the other kids."
"Really?!" Kai's excitement made his eyes sparkle like a star, "What are you then???"
I backed off a bit when he asked what i am. I can't just tell him... "I'm uh...I'm the one who actually takes care of the kids?" Kai pauses for a moment, for some reason, i started to feel sad. Maybe i was too boring for him?
"Really?! That's so cool!" Kai bounces with excitement.
"Y-You really think so-?" His sudden reaction made me stutter.
"Yeah!!! It sure must be nice to take charge here!" Kai smiles brightly, which made me also smile too. "Now then, lets go see what we can do now!" He quickly grabs my arm and drags me outside.
Maybe, just maybe, i've found the person i've always wanted!

Childhood Friends (Kaito x Maki)Where stories live. Discover now