1) Sweet Ireland

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Harry followed Niall out of the small plane and into the fresh air of a new country. They both quickly but carefully proceeded to go down the small steps leading to the ground, the cold air nipping at every bit of exposed skin there was, but nevertheless, cold weather was nothing new to Harry and he had packed appropriately.

Once safely on the ground, Harry stood mesmerized taking in the sensation and watched as Niall shut his eyes and inhaled heavily standing still for few moments enjoying the feeling of being home.

He opened his eyes turning slowly to face Harry with a content satisfied smile on his face, "Welcome to Ireland, Harry! The best country in the world."

Niall then went and wrapped a friendly arm around him as he started leading them to the main building as Harry scoffed rolling his eyes at the statement but grinning nonetheless.

"As I was telling you on the plane, there's so much to see here in glorious Ireland there's no way you can see it all! So this time I'll only show you my most precious places that I keep close to my heart, " Niall stated as he eyed Harry fondly and chuckled to himself, "We've only just met and I'm already pouring my heart out to you."

This time Harry meat Niall's eyes and smiled that dimpled smile of his, "It's going to happen now that we're in a band together better earlier than later." He said as Niall nodded in agreement.

They stopped for a moment to see that their baggage collection is at area 7 before making their way there and collecting their suitcases. Niall quickly grabbing Harry's for him before Harry could get to it. Then after having gone to the loo, they went out to find Niall's mum who was waiting for them.


"NIALL!" Mrs Horan shouted as she ran to greet her son, "I've missed you. So has your father and brother and the rest of our town. We're all so proud!" she rambled on kissing Niall on the cheek and giving him a squeeze.

She then moved on to the boy standing next to her son and gasps, "Oh my! You must be Harry!" She said hugging him before placing her hands on Harry's cheeks, "You're even more handsome than on the telly and practically as beautiful as Niall described you, he really wasn't exaggerating! I've heard so much about you, it's great to finally meet you in person!" She said enthusiastically as she beamed up at Harry who was blushing lightly looking at a spot on the floor. "Thank you, it's a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs Horan."

"The pleasure is all mine! Now come boys, I parked the car not far from here!" Niall groaned in embarrassment at his mother, the night before he had begged her not to mention anything he told her to Harry, but he guessed she was just doing her duty as a mother.

They put their bags in the boot then after a quarrel on who should ride shotgun they both decide to sit at the back next to each other.

"It's one o'clock now. Your father has taken Greg to a football tournament but they should be back by the time we arrive." Mrs Horan explained adjusting the mirror so she could glance at her son before veering her attention to the lad sitting next to him, "We're only an hour or so away from the house, so you boys ought to have a rest so Niall can show you around the neighbourhood before dinner." The two hummed in understanding before they drove off.

However Harry was far too excited to sleep, he peered out the window instead, looking at the vast green fields. Niall next to him had taken out his phone and was tapping away furiously while Mrs Horan had put on a classical radio station that was quietly seeping into the silence. Harry suddenly started getting this butterfly feeling in his stomach as nerves and the fear of the unknown hit him, and being nervous always made Harry need a wee but luckily after about ten minutes of trying to ignore the gentle patter of the raindrops on his window and trying to get himself to sleep; Niall piped up complaining that he was hungry so Mrs Horan decided to stop at a nearby petrol station so they could buy themselves some sandwiches and crisps. Also giving Harry an opportunity to pop to the toilet.

They both climbed out of the car at the same time closing the door gently behind them before making their way to the main building. As they walked Niall slung an arm around Harry with a smug smile, "So what do you think so far?" Harry chuckled, "I haven't even been here more than an hour. But from what I've seen everything is very beautiful." Niall nodded patting Harry's back "Yes. It is indeed very beautiful. Couldn't expect anything less from the best country in the world!"

Niall held the door open for Harry and not being able to wait any longer Harry told Niall he's going for a piss and walks towards where a 'toilets' sign is pointing.

As Harry rushes off Niall feels his phone vibrate in his pocket, he checks and it's another message from Louis telling him to make sure he brings Harry back in one piece. Niall chuckles to himself and sees Zayn had responded to his Snapchat with a selfie of him and Liam at McDonald's and a message saying they hope him and Harry have fun.

After responding to his messages Niall buys him and Harry some food and drinks. He decided to go looking for the other lady since he'd been gone quite a while but as soon as he turned the corner to head to the toilets he saw why.

Niall felt an annoying agitated feeling curl around his guts as he saw a girl bombarding Harry with questions, he'd forgotten they were practically celebs now. Without being able to stop himself he stomped over towards the pair.

"You ready to go, Harry?" The girl gasped but Niall just continued to ignore her and started pulling Harry towards the exist, Harry allowed himself to be dragged all the way to the car despite his confusion.

"She just wanted a selfie," Harry told Niall as he was handed a sandwich, but Niall simply hummed in response as he opened his crisp packet.

Luckily after a few moments, Niall was his happy self again and it wasn't too long before Harry felt himself drift off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2020 ⏰

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