The Deal

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"He's losing a lot of blood we're losing him!"

I heard a doctor say, I was fading in and out so I wasn't sure of what was going on. My body was numb, I knew I had been shot, but I didn't know how bad it was. I can't believe this is happening to me right now, I can't die... Not like this.

One Year Earlier

"Yo I'm tired of being broke bruh, I need to get dis' paper." I said to my right hand man LaMarcus

"I feel you my nigga, but I ain't trying to work for minimum wage."

I felt where he was coming from, but we don't have any money at all right now so we can't be picky.

"Low money is better than no money, let's go to the mall and put in some apps."

I said as I hopped off the couch and went to the bathroom to turn on the shower, I came back in the room and LaMarcus was grabbing his stuff to leave.

"I'm gonna come back in like an hour dawg, I gotta shower and get dressed and shit."

"Aight coo' but I'll just meet you at Ashmont in an hour."


I went behind him to lock the door and head to the shower. When I got to the bathroom I had to admire myself in the mirror. I'm not a cocky nigga by any stretch of the imagination, but I had been in the gym for the last couple months. And the results were worth every minute spent. I just stared at myself in the mirror. At this 6'2 frame, dark skinned tone, bright white teeth and crooked smile. All inherited by someone I've seen only a handful of times. My father was murdered by his man's when I was 12 years old. He wasn't around much even before his death. He was one of the heavy hitters in the streets and he held my moms down, but only financially. I think that's a part of why I have little control over my anger. Also why me and my mom's don't get along that well. My mother's disappointment in my dad seems to be taken out on me a lot more these days. Probably because the money is getting low, and that I'm 19 and don't really bring shit to the table. That's why I need to get this money. I brushed my teeth, hopped in the shower and went to my room to get dressed. I checked my phone to see a few missed calls. Two from my mom, one from an unknown number. I called my mom back first cause I didn't want to hear her bitching about ignoring her calls.

"Are you home Benjamin? I need you to do me a favor." my mom yelled through the phone.

"Yea I'm home, but I'm about to go out with LaMarcus real quick, what do you need?" I asked in an irritated tone, it's like she has a radar on when to invade in my day. I love my mom don't get me wrong but she can be a pain in the ass sometime.

"I need you to stay home and watch your little brother, I'm going to be out late tonight."

She said rather nonchalantly, like I didn't just tell her I was going out.

"Ma I just told you I was going out, Brandon is 13 years old he can watch himself!" I said in a clearly livid tone of voice.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking too?! You don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, you'll watch your little brother like I just said because I'm out late tonight trying to make sure your lazy ass can have a place to be lazy at! Now get off my line before you piss me off!"

She said before hanging up on me. I need to get the fuck out of this house before I go crazy in here was all that was going through my head. I put my phone down and finished getting dressed before going to my little brothers room. "Yo B you trying to go to the mall with me and LaMarcus?" I asked as I watched him get his soul taken in 2K15. "Nah not really, I'm just trying to chill and play video games." he said not even turning his head to acknowledge my presence. I really hate to have to use the older brother card but I need to go apply for jobs, and nothing is going to stop me from that today.

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