History class project

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Okay class I am assigning a class project on the war between blue blur and the robotnicks. You can either do an interview with sonic or a presentation on the final fight of the war. Sonic why don't you just do your life story on a video. Okay teacher. He then says no problem and no pressure. I am okay with partners but keep it no more than two and those who want to do an interview I expect them to follow Sonics comfort zones. If I get any reports that any one is making him uncomfortable I will personally hand them out detentions. I'm going to say that I want shadow to keep an eye and assist sonic with what ever he needs. Okay teacher. He then goes back to his desk and starts his own paper work. I just looked over at shadow and whispered I am appointing you as a body guard of sorts I want you to handle setting up the interviews that people ask for. I'm on it honey but I'll tell you I really could use a little more sugar baby. I'm on it my heart.  I leaned in and pecked his cheek.  Mr blur I believe I told you to refrain from being affectionate in my class room?  I'm sorry sir it's just that shadow is my boyfriend and I am going through a lot and he is just trying to help me cope.  Oh um what kinda stuff are you going through?  I'll tell you after class. Okay then I'll see you after class.  He then goes to the front of the room and puts our assignments on the board and then lists the requirements for each projejct.  I take down the notes on my assignment and then I just started to get my stuff ready when the bell rung. I sighed and grabbed my stuff and head up to the teachers desk you wanted to know what I'm going through I'll show you.  I pull out my phone and I skimmed through the video footage looking for the night my family was gunned down.  I finally found it and I pulled up a chair and played the video for the second time today.  He watched in horror as first my dad then my mom then my sister and finally my two year old son are all shot.  Then he sees the assailant turn the gun on me and tries to shoot me.  Freeze mobus police.  He watched as the assailant dropped the gun and starts to run when the police tackled him too the ground.  Hmmm I see mr hedgehog I think you may want to seek help through counseling or a day treatment for some one with ptsd. I need more help than you realize because you saw the two year old boy in the video? Yes I saw him what about it. Did you realize that he was my son. I didn't no. Yeah he was my pride and joy my baby boy and i loved him more than anything. I just can't believe he is gone I am just so far gone I don't think counseling's gonna be enough. I think you may also benefit from a physiatrist I know you may think it won't help but give it a chance and you may be surprised. I know I might but I don't have insurance since my parents died so I can't afford it. I see well maybe I can help you out. I watched as he took a book out of his desk and flipped to a page halfway through it. There it is he says then he pulled out his cell phone and dials s number. Hello mobus counselors center. How may I assist you? Hi I need to speak with dr Bruce please. May I ask who's calling. Tell him it's baby bro. Okay then just a minute. I am holding my hand out to shadow who gladly takes it and squeezes it gently. I love you shads. I love you too sonicku. I hear a voice come back on the phone. Hello bro what can I do for you. I have a student heat in my class who could really use the help of your clinic however can't afford to pay cash and has no insurance because of a unique situation. Hmmm I see I'll judge for my self ifj he needs the service of my clinic but it would be better if I met him face to face in person. He's right here maybe you too can work out a time? Okay then put him on the phone. I take the phone and say hello. Hi may I have your name please? Sonic hedgehog sir. Alright I'm dr Bruce and my brother seems to think you need a counselor and a physiatrist do you agree with that assessment? Yeah I do but I really don't want to go into detail over the phone. That's fine I just wanted to get a time I can come to do an evaluation for admission to my office. Oh okay I don't really have anything to do after school today but the rest of the week I'll be at work all afternoon and most of the evening. I see well I'm actually free the rest of today because we had to close do to an unfortunate gas leak in the back room of my office. I'm available now but we had better meet at the school and I can provide a comfortable room for us to meet in. I looked at shadow as I said that and he nods knowing what I meant. Hmmm I can be there in half an hour. Okay I'll be here just have the secretary at the front desk page me. Okay on my way mr hedgehog. I then say would you like to speak to your brother again. Yes actually I should. I just hand the phone to mr Rodgers. Hi bro I just need you to make sure sonic gets an excuse from class for the rest of the day cause I want to take my time with this and also I may be sticking around till after school to go with me hedgehog to see his environment and get a feel for his home life. I will take care of it bro just get here soon. Okay then see you soon maybe. Okay thanks again bro. No problem. I just get up and started to get ready for my next class when he says you are excused from classes today sonic you may go to the front desk and wait for my brother or if you'd be comfortable with it I can excuse shadow as well and you can go spend the time in his office. I'm fine being with my baby I don't want him to get in trouble over me though. He won't I promise you that just give this note to anybody who asks and you'll both be fine. I take the note and I slipped it into my pocket. Thanks for the helping hand mr Rodgers. No problem mr blur we heroes need to stick together. I don't understand what do you mean heroes? Well I'm a firefighter and you fight for justice and to protect the innocent. Oh okay then I'll be honored to lend a hand to one of our boys in red as I call them should the need arise. Oh well how would I reach you if I do need you. Just scream or you can call my boss at the GUN. Oh well what's the number for him I don't know it. I reached into my backpack and I dig around looking for the business cards I was supposed to give out when I came across a risky situation. I finally found one and I gave it to mr Rodgers and he looked at it then he said wait you work for the special enforcement agency? Yeah why? I just didn't realize is that why you're family is gone. Yes but I'm not going to go into detail here if you like I can add some of it to my project but parts aren't appropriate for school. Oh okay then. I turned around and left and shadow leads the way back to his office. I am just getting ready to sit when I hear. Sonic hedgehog to the front desk sonic hedgehog to the front desk. I get up and we headed to the front desk. I see the secretary and the school resource officer standing talking to what must be mr Rodgers brother. I rushed over and said I'm agent 009436 of the GUN stand down officer. He then puts his handcuffs back on his waist and says sorry sir I'm just doing my best to keep you and your friends safe. You're doing a wonderful job it's just that I Asked this gentleman to join me today and I will take full responsibility for any problems that may arise. Okay sir I'll be in the office if you need backup. Okay then thanks. I then turned and said dr Bruce I assume. Yes sir I'm dr Bruce and you must be mr hedgehog. Yes but please call me Sonic. Okay sonic why don't you lead the way to where we'll be meeting. Okay shadow if you please. Okay now who is shadow to you? He's my boyfriend and my bodyguard of sorts. Oh okay then. Here we are I hear shadow say I looked up and see we are Indeed in front of his office. I lead the way in followed by the dr and shadow. I sit in front of the desk and shadow takes the chair behind it and the dr sits down next to me I see that shadows hand is outstretched towards shadow is Ime so I placed my hand on his and he smiled and squeezed my hand. So mr sonic why don't we start at the biggest source of distress. I just can't get the words same as always so I just got my phone and turned on the video of my family's deaths. I the hand him my phone and said here this is going to be a bit of a horrific video but I need you too see it to the end then I can help fill in the rest of the story. Okay a little unusual for someone to keep video of a traumatic event but okay I trust there's a reason but we'll get to that latter. I just nod then I took the phone back for a minute and pulled up the whole footage from that night from the start of the attack to the end. I looked at shadow and said i need you to see this as well it's longer and has more context than the video I showed you and mr Rodgers. Once shadow is in a position to see I remotely activated the playback mode. They just watched in horrified faces as I am bound and gagged and rapped and then even more horrified when they see that my two year old boy had seen the man rapping me. I just sit and watch to as I have a flashback to that night. I am just getting back to reality when the video gets to the shooting and I just can't look away but I don't want to watch either I see him shoot and kill my dad first then mom then my sister then he turns the gun toward my two year old boy and he smiles and says witness hell and shoots my baby boy. In the video I screamed and sobbed hysterically struggling to get free but l couldn' t I had no choice but to watch him walk up to my son ubleeding body and shoot him three more times then he turns to me and started to raise the gun when finally my gun reinforcements arrived with half a dozen armed swat officers in full raid gear. I just can't stop crying at this point because my baby is gone. I see that the assailant is being arrested and taken to jail while EMS checks on my family and they declared all but my sister dead. They marked my sisters place on the floor and took s couple of pictures then sent her to the hospital. My partner comes and cuts me down and removes the gag and placed it all in evidence. I just can't look at the carnage that used to be my family and I just.collapsed and cried. My partner just picks me up and takes me to the er to get checked out. I just can't give information about it so just play it for the officers then they say we'll need you to keep that afootage for the trial agent hedgehog. I am well a sare of the protocol officer. You will realize then that you won't be able to stay and live in the home for a long while so we can process the scene for evidence. Yes my parents have a summer home I can go to while you do what must be done. I also think you should consider seeing a counselor as well. I won't have insurance after this so I don't know if I can. The doctor declares me well enough to go home but I just asked what happened to my sister she was brought for gunshot wounds. I'm sorry agent she didn't make it. I just broke down all over again. Back in present day... I watched as the video ended but I'm literally inconsolable again after watching the video but I just stayed quiet till I feel a familiar arm wrap around my shoulders and squeeze me gently I looked around and saw the knife and scissors from earlier and I quick as lightning grabbed the scissors and gashed my arm three times and my leg three times. By the time shadow registered what had happened I had made three gashes on both arms and both legs I was headed for my chest when shadow grabbed the scissors and the knife and locked them in his desk then he called nurse flowers again and she came and said I cannot fix these wounds there to deep and bleeding to much we need an ambulance. No!!! I screamed I don't need an ambulance I need my health kit from my office at the GUN. Calling an ambulance will be the death of me they have no clue how to treat me for anything let alone these. I grabbed at my phone but the dr pulled it out of my reach. As chief commander of the GUN I order you to return my phone at once or I will be forced to arrest you for stealing government property. He quickly gives me my phone and I pull up the speed dial for my office I dial in and I say the blue bird is down and ready to fly home repeat the blue bird is down and ready to fly home. I waited for a reply but all I could hear was the secretary repeatedly calling the code and giving my location. The next thing we know is about twenty GUN agents controlled right behind me and they all grabbed me and escorted me back to the GUN once there they secure the treatment I need and dose me up good making sure to get all the likely places were I had tried to kill my self before.  I feel a small stabbing pain shooting through my body then I was fine.  Thanks I guess I just got caught up in a bad situation and needed a release.  I'm sorry agent hedgehog I can't look the other way this time I'm afraid I must insist you see a professional. Dr Bruce come in here please.  Just as I said that he comes in and says well sonic I've seen all I need to and I'd say you would indeed benefit from the program my office provides.  Hmmm I am glad but I will also likely benefit from continued support from shadow.  I agree as long as he monitors your use of any sharp knife or sharp object.  I think I can manage that dr. I looked up and see my baby come in.  Hey shadow I'm sorry I did this again but you see it is extremely hard to watch that video or even listen to it. What video agent?  I don't want to talk about it just know that it's a hard thing to see.  Hmmm I am not satisfied with that answer but since you are my superior I am just going to have to accept that answer.  Good can I go now. As long as you don't get left home alone for the next two days then I see no reason for you to stay.  I don't plan to be home alone for a long while so I think I'll be fine as long as I don't have to watch the wretched video.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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