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A/N: Hey guys, lengthy chapter for you! I apologize for the late update, but I hope you'll like this one! We're just a few chapters away from the end, but don't worry, a sequel is planned, and will be out as soon as I am done writing this one! 


I waited outside the hospital, rubbing my arms to warm up a little. I looked up at the shining moon above me, and smiled at it for no particular reasons. I always found there was something reassuring about the moon. I remember being little and looking through the car's window to see if it was always following me wherever I was going. Years later, I always found comfort in it, as it reminded me of my innocent and happy childhood days.

It is when I heard steps coming from behind me that I looked over my shoulder at the person who joined me outside: Carl. He bumped gently in my shoulder, as he gave me a smile. I returned his genuine smile, and exhaled loudly. For the past month, things had been quite complicated for me, but when Carl allowed me to come back to work – part time, but still – things got a little better. After the whole situation with Latoya, we all were a little shaken up. Michael felt guilty because he didn't see what was happening to his sister, Hayden needed to heal from his injuries, I needed to forget about he horrifying images from that night, and well... Toya had to learn how to live again. Thankfully, she had me and her brother by her side. Since she was living in Neverland's guest house until she could get back on her feet, she got to spend some time with Michael, and I could keep an eye on her health.

I also introduced her to Dr. Olson, who I hadn't seen for quite a while. Latoya meets with him twice a week, and she said he helped her quite well with her issues, so it made me happy. Of course, Dr. Olson asked how I was doing, and why I stopped coming to our sessions. The only thing I had to answer was that I was pretty busy, which was partially true.

"Are you nervous?" Carl asked, tearing me out of my own thoughts.

"Nervous? Why would I be nervous?" I asked, frowning slightly. "We can, and we will heal Faraji," I reassured him, determined. "I trust us."

"I know we will. If you invested so much in bringing this kid to America, it means you know we can make his life better. I trust you on that," my boss smiled at me. "But I'm not talking about that, Brit. I'm talking about your plan. With Michael. Today is the day."

"Well... Yeah, a part of me is nervous, but the other part is quite confident about this day," I explained, rubbing my neck. "I mean, I know I'm going to keep Michael away from Jordan today, but I just don't know what the consequences will be," I explained with a sigh. "I can never predict how my brain is going to react to these changes. What if I go through another coma? Michael's supposed to go on tour soon, and I don't want him to cancel tour dates just because my health is acting up again."

"I know you're scared," Carl said with a sad expression. He wrapped one of his arm around my shoulders, and I automatically put my head against his. "No matter what happens, I'll make sure to reassure Michael. We know that you'll be fine at the end of the day, even if you go through yet another coma," he reassured, and I stayed quiet. "You'll be okay, right?"

"Y-yeah, I will," I told him with a little smile, as I pulled away from him. "I'll be fine."

"You've got this. You hear me?" my boss encouraged me as he cupped my face in his hands. "You're the strongest person I know, Hayley Thames. You'll save your man and you'll be okay. And well... I'm sure you'll find a way to keep him busy today," he told me, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, which made me laugh as I hit his arm playfully. "What? I'm sorry, my wife is rubbing off on me."

"She is for sure," I shook my head, giggling a bit, as I wiped my tears from under my eyes. "I've never seen her this happy than since you guys came back from Paris. She's glowing."

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