Chapter 3: A Glimpse in the Crowd

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A chat with Kyungsoo and a fateful sighting.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything recognisable, it belongs to individuals who own it.

"... then we'll move on to Europe for 9 weeks..."

Baekhyun knew he was meant to be paying attention, but he'd toured around so much these past few years that people and places had begun to meld into one. Travelling across the world had long lost its appeal and now, while he still loved performing in front of his fans, the details seemed far less significant. He would go wherever he was directed. Regardless of where in the world he lands, his Eris are still the same - they light up his field of vision as he lights up the stage.

Exo were sitting around the conference table being briefed on their main upcoming schedule. Their latest comeback had once again broken records and they had decided to put aside solo schedules for the latter half of the year and instead focus on giving back to their Exo-Ls for all their support by going on a full fledged tour. Of course, there were still a few months before this would come to fruition. Currently, they were still carrying out final promotions for the repackage that had already broken records.

Baekhyun's mind drifted as the Director in front of them drones on. He found himself thinking of sparkling eyes... full cheeks... heart-shaped lips... she felt like rose petals pressing on his lips... her determined kiss... her puzzled face... her innocent questions... her... just her... sneaking looks at him when she thought he wasn't looking... a gentle look in her eyes... hiding her disappointment at his thoughtlessly harsh words... an almost invisible sheen of tears... snapping at him when he went too far... a lioness rearing her head at him... putting her everything on the line to keep him safe... smiling... blushing... giggling... falling... laying there on the ground... lifeless...

Baekhyun's fist clenched, eyes shut tight. He wished that terrible sight away. Unbidden, a tear slipped down his cheek and his tense movements must have caught the attention of his members because he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. Dragging a quick hand over his face, Baekhyun pulled himself back to the present and turned to face a bespectacled Kyungsoo. His misery must have been obvious if Kyungsoo has initiated contact, the Number 1 Actdol usually expressed himself from a distance. Baekhyun tried to muster up a smile, but it seemed unsuccessful as Kyungsoo was still looking at him with concern and did not remove his hand.

The rest of the meeting passed with him trying to pay attention while doing his best to ignore the worried looks being thrown at him and he sighed in relief when it was over. However, it did not see he was off the hook just yet. The others bundled out but Kyungsoo held him back as he tried to leave the room.

When the conference room had cleared, Kyungsoo pushed up his glasses and turned to face him.

"What's up Baek? You haven't been yourself these last few days, and then there was that whole scene in the hallway earlier and now... were you crying? What's wrong? How can I help?" Kyungsoo kept his eyes locked with him as he spoke.

For a moment Baekhyun contemplated lying and laughing off his odd behaviour... but this was Kyungoo. The guy who he riled to no end, but also the one he'd be the first to defend. They'd always gotten along well despite their major and quite obvious personality clash. This was someone Baekhyun could always share his troubles with, so he settled on a half-truth.

"Things are... things are hard... I'm going through something, and I'm confused and scared, but it's like I'm empty. A part of me is just missing and I don't... I can't..." Baekhyun trailed off, unable to find the right words.

Kyungsoo considered him for a moment, then spoke slowly.

"Whatever it is, don't let it consume you. You're not alone in anything, you have us. If you need help, you know there are always 8 brothers here for you to turn to. Don't shoulder it alone."

While he appreciated the sentiment, this was not really something he could share with them without convincing them he was off his rocker, so Baekhyun just cracked a smile.

" I know Kyungja. Thank you. Now let's go, we're late for our next schedule."

Luckily for Baekhyun, Kyungsoo was not one to push an unwilling conversation. The two made their way to their cars. Gone were the days where they travelled as a whole, packed like tinned sardines into one or two vans. Their hardwork and loyal fans had elevated their status far beyond the normal luxury of idols. Baekhyun's recent participation in some of his father's investments during his spare time along with his solo and group activities had totalled to him in particular being untouchable in terms of personal wealth. Now he travelled with just one manager in a Range Rover only used for schedules.

Today Exo was to participate in an episode of School Attack. It seemed like a big headache to be perfectly honest, with the likelihood being that they would get rushed by over-zealous girls the minute they step foot on campus, but fans loved these snippets of Exo on various variety shows, so it was a necessary evil. Baekhyun hoped he wouldn't meet any extreme saesangs today, given that they would be trying to record at SNU, which was regarded the most competitive college in Korea, but even the best educational systems would house massive Exo fans.

Things actually were going surprisingly smoothly for the beginning half of their visit. They got through to the lecture hall they would 'invade' undetected and surprised the majority of the large room into tears. They had interrupted a Senior Calculus Class and Baekhyun could tell just by a glance at the board that most students would be more than glad for the distraction they posed. Sure there were a few boys here or there getting up to leave once they realised that the lecture would not continue for the day, but unfortunately they had to stay seated lest they left the hall and informed anyone else of Exo's presence – the members needed to leave the campus in one piece.

It was as Kai, Sehun and Lay (yes, Mr Zhang Yixing is going to be promoting in Korea for this story) were demonstrating the signature move of their most recently released song, that Baekhyun chanced a glance to the right of the crowd. A figure seated between two cheering girls. Head lowered. Earplugs in both ears. A baseball cap covered her face as she focused on the book resting in her hands. The flowing curls brushing her shoulders were the only real indication she was in fact a girl.

Chen nudged his shoulder. Without realising, Baekhyun had been staring at the girl for the past 10 minutes and everyone was starting to take notice, whispers erupting around the room. Suddenly aware of his surroundings, he tried to drag his eyes away, but in that moment she glanced up. The cap no longer shaded her features. Those eyes – sparkling. Those cheeks – full. Those lips – heart-shaped. Baekhyun stumbled forward, his body, mind and heart all focused on one thing.

Sundeok. His Sundeok.

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